github 0xPolygonHermez/zkevm-node v0.6.2-RC1

latest releases: v0.7.0, v0.7.0-RC5, v0.7.0-RC4...
3 months ago

Compatible versions:


Version v0.6.2 is a patch-release fixing some issues found in v0.6.1


  • Fix set RPC.SequencerNodeURI config parameter to empty value in nework config files, to get node URI from the SC (#3430)


  • Fix use gas limit returned by the executor for Elderberry transaction receipts (#3428, #3424)
  • Fix CumulativeGasUsed in Elderberry transaction receipts (#3425, #3424)
  • Remove intermediate state root from Elderbery transaction receipts (#3424)
  • Use transaction status returned form the Executor for Elderberry transaction receipts (#3424)


  • Fix use gas limit returned by the executor for Elderberry transaction receipts (#3428, #3424)
  • Fix CumulativeGasUsed in Elderberry transaction receipts (#3425, #3424)
  • Remove intermediate state root from Elderbery transaction receipts (#3424)
  • Use transaction status returned form the Executor for Elderberry transaction receipts (#3424)

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