github 0xPolygonHermez/zkevm-node v0.2.4

latest releases: v0.7.0, v0.7.0-RC5, v0.7.0-RC4...
pre-release10 months ago

Compatible versions:


Version v0.2.4 is a patch-release, fixing some issues found in v0.2.1 and adding some minor enhancements


  • Fix to store batchl2data when a batch is opened to keep db consistent (#2358)
  • Fix "batch already closed" error in permissionless nodes (#2348)


  • Added GasPriceMarginFactor and MaxGasPrice configuration parameters to eth-tx-manager (#2360). GasPriceMarginFactor is used to multiply the suggested gas price provided by the network in order to allow a different gas price to be set for all the transactions and make it
    easier to have the txs prioritized in the pool. MaxGasPriceLimit helps to avoid transactions to be sent over a specified
    gas price amount. If the value of this parameter is set to 0 means that there is no limit

GasPriceMarginFactor = 1
MaxGasPriceLimit = 0


  • Rename node/prover config files used in docker compose and release files, so they have the same name in all the environments (#2349)

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