- 5e28807 feat: Load testing
- 2056a01 feat: adding basic release process
- cf0a633 bug: block delay
- d7fe3d7 bug: fixed sparkline issue
- d13acc8 bug: fixing issue with random mode
- f4f6fb5 feat: load test modes
- a833008 refactor: dropping unimplemented functionaly
- 6655b04 bug: fixing issue with dev.period
- df839bd feat: stateful test functions
- f1a3343 contract calls are working properly now
- feea937 refactor: Adding context and using ethclient
- aec97fc feat: contract deployment
- 9eeab02 refactor: changing file name to match contract
- f972f34 feat: WIP Load Test Contract
- 35fcb06 bug: fixed issue with signer field
- 25e639e bug: fixed issue with resizing
- 74d40d9 feat: adding timestamp
- a42b101 refactor: Simplifying Redraw function
- e32b098 feat: adding repaint loop
- 95afae4 feat: adding support for showing validators
- 3a1b786 adding basic UI code
- 2a60b1f feat: basic RPC calls for a monitor
- e5f9344 feat: Adding protocol level error checking
- 41dfdfa feat: basic load testing is working now
- 8625268 adding some basic rate limiting
- 58fa09c feat: basic load test loop is in place
- 100d5ae bug: switching to pointer for client
- 5575b72 feat: removing hard coded address
- 6e74d0b feat: adding mnemonic check
- 80c2fa5 feat: loadtesting rpc calls
- eac7bff feat: Adding basic help and file for load test
- 4ca308b test: bip32 vec 3 and 4
- 4c5d1d9 test: bip32 vec 2
- 663f39e test: bip32 vec 1
- 86e695f feat: switching from chain to protocol
- fd1f404 Merge pull request #1 from maticnetwork/jhilliard/dvt-121-add-devp2p-enr-record-and-key-generation
- 433a88c feat: adding eth node key support
- c922b71 docs: Updating Readme
- a3f459a feat: mnemonic inspecting
- af51665 feat: adding ss58
- c5b654c feat: support three substrate schemes
- 0022691 feat: Now supporting substrate/polkda dot
- dacac62 feat: wallet generation
- 215d2c3 feat: adding support for languages
- 3755034 refactor: Adding error condition for bad word count
- 8d0654d refactor: Moving mnemonic code to package
- a8f131c feat: Bip39 Mnemonic
- 2ff8298 feat: Adding a makefile
- 91d00d8 feat: Adding hash command
- e067b47 feat: Adding a Version
- 5989f81 feat: Swapping names and cobra config
- bcb4a5b feat: Adding Cobra Boilerplate
- 41d30e9 feat: Creating Polygon CLI Repo