Beta version of Notepads for public preview.
[New features]
- Now Notepads will notify you when file has been modified, renamed, moved or deleted outside.
- You can reload file if it has been modified outside by clicking on path indicator (Flyout will be shown).
- You can hit F5 to insert date time string into current selection point (format is based on your current culture).
- Now you can enable full screen mode by pressing F11 (Same button to exit full screen mode).
[Bug fixes]
- Fixed unwanted behavior where "Shift+Enter" insert '\v' instead of new line character.
- Dark mode has been tweaked to show background acrylic effect even when app window is not focused.
- When background tint opacity sets to 100%, acrylic effect will be disabled completely.
- UI and animations tweaks.
- Removed symbol fonts from font lists and fonts now are in alphabetical order.
- Side-by-side DiffViewer's close button has been moved to the left.