github 0x7c13/Notepads v0.9.4.0
Notepads Beta v0.9.4.0

latest releases: v1.5.5.0, v1.5.4.0, v1.5.3.0...
4 years ago

Beta version of Notepads for public preview.

  • Added show/hide status bar toogle in Settings (Advanced Settings).
  • Lazy loading some of the controls for faster App startup.
  • Improved UX by replacing current "New Document.txt" with your open file if it is empty and it is the only tab that has been created instead of creating a new one.
  • Make status bar text color more visible.
  • Added LTR/RTL flow direction shortcut (Now you can use Ctrl+L/R to change text flow direction).
  • Added UTF-8 BOM (Byte order mark) supports.
  • Fixed a bug where dummy new document tab might be opened along with your opening file.
    Added more languages/translations (partially): fr-FR, es-ES, zh-CN.

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