gems xcodeproj 0.10.0

latest releases: 1.27.0, 1.26.0, 1.25.1...
11 years ago
  • To initialize a project a path is required even is the project is being
    initialized from scratch.
  • To open an existing project should be used in place
    of, which now is deprecated for that purpose.
  • Project#save_as has been renamed to Project#save which uses the path
    provided during initialization by default.
  • The parameter to specify a subgroup of the helper methods to create file
    references and new groups (e.g. #new_file, #group) has been deprecated.
  • Removed PBXGroup#new_xcdatamodel_group.
  • [PBXFileReference] #update_last_known_file_type has been renamed to
    #set_last_known_file_type. Added #set_explicit_file_type.
  • [PBXGroup] Renamed #sort_by_type! to #sort_by_type.
  • [Project] #add_system_framework now adds the reference to the frameworks
    build phase of the target as well.
  • CoreData versioned models are now properly handled respecting the contents of
    the .xccurrentversion file.
  • [PBXGroup, PBXFileReference] Improved source tree handling in creation
    helpers. Now it is possible to specify the source tree which will be used to
    adjust the provided path as needed.
  • Added PBXGroup#parent, PBXGroup#real_path, PBXFileReference#parent
    (replaces #group), and PBXFileReference#real_path.
  • Xcodeproj will automatically utilize the
    xcproj command line tool if available in
    the path of the user to touch saved projects. This will result in projects
    serialized in the exact format used by Xcode.
  • [PBXGroup] Improved deletion.
  • [PBXGroup] Added #recursively_sort_by_type.
  • [PBXGroup, PBXFileReference] Added #move.
  • [AbstractTarget] Added #add_build_configuration.

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