gems tzinfo 0.0.3

latest releases: 0.3.62, 2.0.6, 1.2.11...
15 years ago
  • Reduced visibility of some methods added in Timezone#setup and Country#setup.
  • Added name method to Timezone (returns the identifier).
  • Added friendly_identifier method to Timezone. Returns a more friendly version of the identifier.
  • Added to_s method to Timezone. Returns the friendly identifier.
  • Added == and <=> operators to Timezone (compares identifiers).
  • Timezone now includes Comparable.
  • Added to_s method to Country.
  • Added == and <=> operators to Country (compares ISO 3166 country codes).
  • Country now includes Comparable.
  • New TimezoneProxy class that behaves the same as a Timezone but doesn't actually load in its definition until it is actually required.
  • Modified Timezone and Country methods that return Timezone instances to return TimezoneProxy instances instead. This makes these methods much quicker.

In Ruby on Rails, you can now show a drop-down list of all time zones using the Rails time_zone_select helper method:

<%= time_zone_select 'user', 'time_zone', TZInfo::Timezone.all.sort, :model => TZInfo::Timezone %>

TZInfo v0.0.3 on

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