gems turbo-rails 1.1.0

latest releases: 2.0.5, 2.0.4, 2.0.3...
2 years ago

What's Changed

  • Add support [formmethod] overrides to _method by @seanpdoyle in #239
  • Add allowance for rendering to be passed so that we can change the partial and object when broadcasting by @ankurp in #113
  • Add :targets to assert_turbo_stream by @zarqman in #321
  • Add ability to pass additional parameters to stream channels by @yrashk in #308
  • Add nested dom_id call for naming turbo frames by @alexandreruban in #296
  • Fix breaking in non-Zeitwerk environment by @mshibuya in #304
  • Fix use which on Windows with where (#299) by @mohits in #300
  • Fix missing activejob dependency by @codealchemy in #331
  • Fix call dom_id explicitly in turbo_frame_tag by @leastbad in #333
  • Fix Turbo::Broadcastable#broadcasts broadcasts creates to model_name.plural stream by @Exterm1nate in #295

Full Changelog: v1.0.1...v1.1.0

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