gems test-prof 0.7.3

latest releases:, 1.4.0.rc.1, 1.3.3...
5 years ago


  • Added header with the general factories usage stats to FactoryProf report (PR):
[TEST PROF INFO] Factories usage

# new is added
Total: 12321
Total top-level: 3234
Total uniq factories: 42

# then goes the existing table
total       top-level            name
# ...
  • Added event time percentage to EventProf report (PR):
[TEST PROF INFO] EventProf results for factory.create

Total time: 03:07.353 of 07:25:232 (42.02%)
Total events: 7459

Something (./my_spec.rb:21) – 09:16.100 (7 / 3) of 12:29:233 (74.13%)


  • Test sampling now allows to sample examples and preserver RSpec filters (PR):
# runs 10 random test examples
SAMPLE=10 rake test

# runs 10 random example groups
SAMPLE_GROUPS=10 rake test

# run 10 random examples with filtering
SAMPLE=10 rspec --tag slow

From Cult of Martians.

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