gems spree 2.1.2
Version 2.1.2

latest releases: 4.7.1, 4.6.4, 4.7.0...
10 years ago


  • Payment identifiers are no longer recalculated when they are saved. #3733

    Ryan Bigg

  • Product#stock_items now returns stock items for the master variant as well. #3737

    Ryan Bigg

  • Added a default format for datepicker_field_value, in case one is not available in locale file. #3602

    Peter Goldstein

  • Bumped activemerchant to 1.39.2. #3745

    Piotr Usewicz

  • Sandbox now references correct branch for spree_auth_devise when it is generated. #3770

    Wes Ketchum

  • Better accessibility support (for more information, see #3414.)

    Cameron Cundiff and Trevor John

  • StockItem#process_backorders will now process stock when it is adjusted postively (i.e. -3 => -2).

    Ryan Bigg

  • Fixed shipping rates losing current rate when refreshing rates. #3766


  • Allow any version of the Money gem above 5.1.1. Related to #2737.

    Ryan Bigg

  • Fixed issue where a stock item for a variant could not be created if one of the same variant had already been created. #3834

    Washington Luiz

  • Added custom routing code to work around issues described in rails/rails#12367.

    Ryan Bigg

  • Added Spree::Config[:send_core_emails] preference setting.

This setting allows developers to use standard rails mail configuration (in config
files) by setting :override_actionmailer_config to false without sending
spree core emails (e.g. order confirmation). This is useful e.g. in the
case where devs have opted to use an external mail API such as Mandrill
for store-related emails but still want to use ActionMailer in other
parts of their app. #3812

*Sean O'Hara*
  • Fixed issue where preferences_rescue was living in Frontend, but was necessary in Core. If you had migrations from older versions of Spree, they may have depended on this file. If you did not include the Frontend component, then this file would be unavailable. #3860



  • States and countries endpoints now do not require authentication, even if it is forced with the requires_authentication setting. This is so the frontend's checkout address page can still work.

    Ryan Bigg

  • You can now assign a location to a shipment when creating it through the orders API. f3ef2e1

    Washington Luiz

  • Stock Items, Stock Movements and Stock Locations are now invisible to non-admin users.

    Ryan Bigg

  • Fixed issue where X-Spree-Token header was being ignored. #3798

    Washington Luiz


  • Added ability to edit payment amount on the payments listing. #3765

Dan Kubb

  • Added ability to create and delete countries via the backend.

Washington Luiz

  • Fixed issue where rules select box was not being reloaded after a rule was selected.

Washington Luiz

  • Fixed issue where API calls to stock locations endpoint were not passing through a token. #3828

Alain Pilon

  • Fixed admin top menu spacing. #3839

Ramon Roche

  • The name of the controller is now used rather than Object in authorize_admin. #3622

Ryan Bigg


  • References to cart.png will now reference the precompiled asset.

    Dan Kubb

  • Special instructions are no longer ignored when specified in the checkout.

    Dan Kubb

  • Use display_price more consistently. #3822

  • When a payment fails, it will now include the message from the gateway as a validation error. This potentially provides additional information to the user, which may guide them to correcting the data they're inputting, allowing the payment to go through successfully. #3851

    Ryan Bigg

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