gems simplecov 0.19.0

latest releases: 0.22.0, 0.21.2, 0.21.1...
4 years ago

Breaking Changes

  • Dropped support for Ruby 2.4, it reached EOL


  • observe forked processes (enable with SimpleCov.enable_for_subprocesses). See #881, thanks to @robotdana
  • SimpleCov distinguishes better that it stopped processing because of a previous error vs. SimpleCov is the originator of said error due to coverage requirements.


  • Changing the SimpleCov.root combined with the root filtering didn't work. Now they do! Thanks to @deivid-rodriguez and see #894
  • in parallel test execution it could happen that the last coverage result was written to disk when it didn't complete yet, changed to only write it once it's the final result
  • if you run parallel tests only the final process will report violations of the configured test coverage, not all previous processes
  • changed the parallel_tests merging mechanisms to do the waiting always in the last process, should reduce race conditions


  • The repo has moved to - everything stays the same, redirects should work but you might wanna update anyhow
  • The primary development branch is now main, not master anymore. If you get simplecov directly from github change your reference. For a while master will still be occasionally updated but that's no long term solion.

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