gems sentry-sidekiq 5.8.0

latest releases: 5.18.0, 5.17.3, 5.17.2...
17 months ago


  • Allow tags to be passed via the context hash when reporting errors using ActiveSupport::ErrorReporter and Sentry::Rails::ErrorSubscriber in sentry-rails #1932

  • Pass a cached: true tag for SQL query spans that utilized the ActiveRecord QueryCache when using ActiveRecordSubscriber in sentry-rails #1968

  • Add Sentry.add_global_event_processor API #1976

    Users can now configure global event processors without configuring scope as well.

    Sentry.add_global_event_processor do |event, hint|
      event.tags = { foo: 42 }
  • Add global event processor in OpenTelemetry SpanProcessor to link errors with transactions #1983

  • Fix some inconsistencies in setting name/op/status in OpenTelemetry SpanProcessor #1987

  • Add config.before_send_transaction hook #1989

    Users can now configure a before_send_transaction callback that runs similar to before_send but for transaction events.

    config.before_send_transaction = lambda do |event, hint|
      # skip unimportant transactions or strip sensitive data
      if event.transaction == "/healthcheck/route"
  • Support Sentry::Transaction#set_measurement #1838


    transaction = Sentry.get_current_scope.get_transaction
    transaction.set_measurement("", 0.5, "millisecond")

Bug Fixes

  • Support redis-rb 5.0+ #1963
  • Skip private _config context in Sidekiq 7+ #1967
  • Return value from perform_action in ActionCable::Channel instances when initialized #1966
  • Span#with_child_span should finish the span even with exception raised #1982
  • Fix sentry-rails' controller span nesting #1973
  • Do not report exceptions when a Rails runner exits with exit 0 #1988
  • Ignore redis key if not UTF8 #1997


  • Deprecate capture_exception_frame_locals in favor of include_local_variables #1993

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