gems rubocop 1.45.0
RuboCop 1.45

latest releases: 1.64.1, 1.64.0, 1.63.5...
17 months ago

New features

  • #10839: Add API for 3rd party template support. (@r7kamura)
  • #11528: Add new Style/RedundantHeredocDelimiterQuotes cop. (@koic)
  • #11188: Add a --no-detach option for --start-server. This will start the server process in the foreground, which can be helpful when running within Docker where detaching the process terminates the container. (@f1sherman)
  • #11546: Make Lint/UselessAccessModifier aware of Ruby 3.2's Data.define. (@koic)
  • #11396: Add ability to profile rubocop execution via --profile and --memory options. (@fatkodima)

Bug fixes

  • #11491: Fix a crash on Lint/UselessAssignment. (@gsamokovarov)
  • #11515: Fix a false negative for Naming/HeredocDelimiterNaming when using lowercase. (@koic)
  • #11511: Fix a false negative for Style/YodaCondition when using constant. (@koic)
  • #11520: Fix a false negative for Style/YodaExpression when using constant. (@koic)
  • #11521: Fix a false positive for Lint/FormatParameterMismatch when using Kernel.format with the interpolated number of decimal places fields match. (@koic)
  • #11545: Fix the following false positive for Lint/NestedMethodDefinition when using numbered parameter. (@koic)
  • #11535: Fix a false positive for Style/NumberedParametersLimit when only _2 or higher numbered parameter is used. (@koic)
  • #11508: Fix a false positive for Style/OperatorMethodCall when using multiple arguments for operator method. (@koic)
  • #11503: Fix a false positive for Style/RedundantCondition when using method argument with operator. (@koic)
  • #11529: Fix an incorrect autocorrect for Layout/ClassStructure when definitions that need to be sorted are defined alternately. (@ydah)
  • #11530: Fix an incorrect autocorrect for Style/AccessModifierDeclarations when multiple groupable access modifiers are defined. (@ydah)
  • #10910: Fix an incorrect autocorrect for Style/MultilineTernaryOperator when contains a comment. (@ydah)
  • #11522: Don't flag default keyword arguments in Style/ArgumentsForwarding. (@splattael)
  • #11547: Fix a false positive for Lint/NestedMethodDefinition when using Ruby 3.2's Data.define. (@koic)
  • #11537: Fix an infinite loop error for Layout/ArrayAlignment when using assigning unbracketed array elements. (@koic)
  • #11516: Fix missing parentheses in shorthand hash syntax as argument calls. (@gsamokovarov)


  • #11504: Allow initialize method in Style/DocumentationMethod. (@koic)
  • #11541: Enable autocorrection for Layout/LineContinuationLeadingSpace. (@eugeneius)
  • #11542: Mark Layout/AssignmentIndentation as safe and Lint/AssignmentInCondition as unsafe for autocorrection. (@eugeneius)
  • #11517: Make Lint/Debugger aware of p, PP.pp, and pp methods. (@koic)
  • #11539: Remove bundler from default AllowedGems of Gemspec/DevelopmentDependencies. (@koic)

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