gems rubocop 1.44.0
RuboCop 1.44

latest releases: 1.64.1, 1.64.0, 1.63.5...
17 months ago

New features

  • #11410: Add new Style/InvertibleUnlessCondition cop. (@fatkodima)
  • #11338: Add new Style/ComparableClamp cop. (@koic)
  • #11350: Make Lint/DeprecatedClassMethods aware of deprecated attr with boolean 2nd argument. (@koic)
  • #11457: Make Metrics/BlockNesting aware of pattern matching. (@koic)
  • #11458: Make Metrics/CyclomaticComplexity aware of pattern matching. (@koic)
  • #11469: Add Gemspec/DevelopmentDependencies cop. (@sambostock)

Bug fixes

  • #11445: Fix an incorrect autocorrect for Style/BlockDelimiters when there is a comment after the closing brace and bracket. (@koic)
  • #11428: Apply value omission exceptions in super invocations. (@gsamokovarov)
  • #11420: Fix a false positive for Lint/UselessRescue when using exception variable in ensure clause. (@koic)
  • #11460: Fix an error for Style/OperatorMethodCall when using foo.> 42. (@koic)
  • #11456: Fix value omissions in yield invocations. (@gsamokovarov)
  • #11467: Fix a false negative for Style/MethodCallWithoutArgsParentheses when calling method on a receiver and assigning to a variable with the same name. (@koic)
  • #11430: Fix an infinite loop error for Layout/BlockEndNewline when multiline blocks with newlines before the ; end. (@koic)
  • #11442: Fix a crash during anonymous rest argument forwarding. (@gsamokovarov)
  • #11447: Fix an incorrect autocorrect for Style/RedundantDoubleSplatHashBraces when using nested double splat hash braces. (@koic)
  • #11459: Make Lint/UselessRuby2Keywords aware of conditions. (@splattael)
  • #11415: Fix a false positive for Lint/UselessMethodDefinition when method definition contains rest arguments. (@koic)
  • #11418: Fix a false positive for Style/MethodCallWithArgsParentheses when using anonymous rest arguments or anonymous keyword rest arguments. (@koic)
  • #11431: Fix a crash in Style/HashSyntax. (@gsamokovarov)
  • #11444: Fix a false positive for Lint/ShadowingOuterLocalVariable when using numbered block parameter. (@koic)
  • #11477: Fix an error when using YAML alias with server mode. (@koic)
  • #11419: Fix a false positive for Style/RedundantRequireStatement when using pretty_inspect. (@koic)
  • #11439: Fix an incorrect autocorrect for Style/MinMaxComparison when using a < b a : b with elsif/else. (@ydah)
  • #11464: Fix a false negative for Lint/FormatParameterMismatch when include interpolated string. (@ydah)
  • #11425: Fix a false negative for Lint/Void when using methods that takes blocks. (@krishanbhasin-shopify)
  • #11437: Fix an error for Style/AccessModifierDeclarations when access modifier is inlined with a method on the top level. (@koic)
  • #11455: Fix crash with super value_omission: followed by a method call. (@gsamokovarov)


  • #11465: Make Style/Semicolon aware of redundant semicolon in block. (@koic)
  • #11471: Change to not output not configured warning when renamed and pending cop. (@ydah)

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