gems rubocop-rspec 1.0.rc1
RuboCop RSpec v1.0.rc1

latest releases: 2.29.1, 2.29.0, 2.28.0...
9 years ago
  • Update code to work with rubocop >= 0.19.
  • Split UnitSpecNaming cop into RSpecDescribeClass, RSpecDescribeMethod and RSpecFileName and enabled them all by default.
  • Add RSpecExampleWording cop to prevent to use of "should" at the beginning of the spec description.
  • Fix RSpecFileName cop for non-class specs.
  • Adapt RSpecFileName cop to common naming convention and skip spec with multiple top level describes.
  • Add RSpecMultipleDescribes cop to check for multiple top level describes.
  • Add RSpecDescribedClass cop to promote the use of described_class.
  • Add RSpecInstanceVariable cop to check for the usage of instance variables.

WARNING: Cop names are under flux and will likely change in the near future.
We're hoping to introduce namespaces into the mix.

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