gems rspec-mocks 3.0.0.beta1

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11 years ago

3.0.0.beta1 / 2013-11-07

full changelog

Breaking Changes for 3.0.0:

  • Raise an explicit error if should_not_receive(...).and_return is used. (Sam
  • Remove 1.8.6 workarounds. (Jon Rowe)
  • Remove stub! and unstub!. (Sam Phippen)
  • Remove mock(name, methods) and stub(name, methods), leaving
    double(name, methods) for creating test doubles. (Sam Phippen, Michi Huber)
  • Remove any_number_of_times since should_receive(:msg).any_number_of_times
    is really a stub in a mock's clothing. (Sam Phippen)
  • Remove support for re-using the same null-object test double in multiple
    examples. Test doubles are designed to only live for one example.
    (Myron Marston)
  • Make at_least(0) raise an error. (Sam Phippen)
  • Remove support for require 'spec/mocks' which had been kept
    in place for backwards compatibility with RSpec 1. (Myron Marston)
  • Blocks provided to with are always used as implementation. (Xavier Shay)
  • The config option (added in 2.99) to yield the receiver to
    any_instance implementation blocks now defaults to "on". (Sam Phippen)


  • Allow the have_received matcher to use a block to set further expectations
    on arguments. (Tim Cowlishaw)
  • Provide instance_double and class_double to create verifying doubles,
    ported from rspec-fire. (Xavier Shay)
  • as_null_object on a verifying double only responds to defined methods.
    (Xavier Shay)
  • Provide object_double to create verified doubles of specific object
    instances. (Xavier Shay)
  • Provide 'verify_partial_doublesconfiguration that providesobject_double`
    like verification behaviour on partial mocks. (Xavier Shay)
  • Improved performance of double creation, particularly those with many
    attributes. (Xavier Shay)
  • Default value of transfer_nested_constants option for constant stubbing can
    be configured. (Xavier Shay)
  • Messages can be allowed or expected on in bulk via
    receive_messages(:message => :value). (Jon Rowe)
  • allow(Klass.any_instance) and expect(Klass.any_instance) now print a
    warning. This is usually a mistake, and users usually want
    allow_any_instance_of or expect_any_instance_of instead. (Sam Phippen)
  • instance_double and class_double raise ArgumentError if the underlying
    module is loaded and the arity of the method being invoked does not match the
    arity of the method as it is actually implemented. (Andy Lindeman)
  • Spies can now check their invocation ordering is correct. (Jon Rowe)


  • Using the old :should syntax without explicitly configuring it
    is disabled. It will continue to work but will emit a deprecation
    warning in RSpec 3 if you do not explicitly enable it. (Sam Phippen)

Bug Fixes:

  • Fix and_call_original to handle a complex edge case involving
    singleton class ancestors. (Marc-André Lafortune, Myron Marston)
  • When generating an error message for unexpected arguments,
    use #inspect rather than #description if #description
    returns nil or '' so that you still get a useful message.
    (Nick DeLuca)

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