gems rspec-mocks 2.99.0.beta2

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11 years ago

2.99.0.beta2 / 2014-02-17

full changelog


  • Deprecate RSpec::Mocks::Mock in favor of RSpec::Mocks::Double.
    (Myron Marston)
  • Deprecate the host argument of RSpec::Mocks.setup. Instead
    RSpec::Mocks::ExampleMethods should be included directly in the scope where
    RSpec's mocking capabilities are used. (Sam Phippen)
  • Deprecate using any of rspec-mocks' features outside the per-test
    lifecycle (e.g. from a before(:all) hook). (Myron Marston)
  • Deprecate re-using a test double in another example. (Myron Marston)
  • Deprecate and_return { value } and and_return without arguments. (Yuji Nakayama)

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