gems rexml 3.3.6
REXML 3.3.6 - 2024-08-22

latest releases: 3.4.1, 3.4.0, 3.3.9...
6 months ago


  • Removed duplicated entity expansions for performance.

    • GH-194
    • Patch by Viktor Ivarsson.
  • Improved namespace conflicted attribute check performance. It was
    too slow for deep elements.

    • Reported by l33thaxor.


  • Fixed a bug that default entity expansions are counted for
    security check. Default entity expansions should not be counted
    because they don't have a security risk.

  • Fixed a parser bug that parameter entity references in internal
    subsets are expanded. It's not allowed in the XML specification.

  • Fixed a stream parser bug that user-defined entity references in
    text aren't expanded.


  • Viktor Ivarsson

  • NAITOH Jun

  • l33thaxor

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