gems rails 8.0.0.rc1

6 hours ago

Active Support

  • Remove deprecated support to passing an array of strings to ActiveSupport::Deprecation#warn.

    Rafael Mendonça França

  • Remove deprecated support to setting attr_internal_naming_format with a @ prefix.

    Rafael Mendonça França

  • Remove deprecated ActiveSupport::ProxyObject.

    Rafael Mendonça França

  • Don't execute i18n watcher on boot. It shouldn't catch any file changes initially,
    and unnecessarily slows down boot of applications with lots of translations.

    Gannon McGibbon, David Stosik

  • Fix ActiveSupport::HashWithIndifferentAccess#stringify_keys to stringify all keys not just symbols.


    { 1 => 2 }.with_indifferent_access.stringify_keys[1] # => 2

    After this change:

    { 1 => 2 }.with_indifferent_access.stringify_keys["1"] # => 2

    This change can be seen as a bug fix, but since it behaved like this for a very long time, we're deciding
    to not backport the fix and to make the change in a major release.

    Jean Boussier

Active Model

  • Add :except_on option for validations. Grants the ability to skip validations in specified contexts.

    class User < ApplicationRecord
        validates :birthday, presence: { except_on: :admin }
    user = except birthday) :admin)

    Drew Bragg

Active Record

  • Remove deprecated support to setting ENV["SCHEMA_CACHE"].

    Rafael Mendonça França

  • Remove deprecated support to passing a database name to cache_dump_filename.

    Rafael Mendonça França

  • Remove deprecated ActiveRecord::ConnectionAdapters::ConnectionPool#connection.

    Rafael Mendonça França

  • Remove deprecated config.active_record.sqlite3_deprecated_warning.

    Rafael Mendonça França

  • Remove deprecated config.active_record.warn_on_records_fetched_greater_than.

    Rafael Mendonça França

  • Remove deprecated support for defining enum with keyword arguments.

    Rafael Mendonça França

  • Remove deprecated support to finding database adapters that aren't registered to Active Record.

    Rafael Mendonça França

  • Remove deprecated config.active_record.allow_deprecated_singular_associations_name.

    Rafael Mendonça França

  • Remove deprecated config.active_record.commit_transaction_on_non_local_return.

    Rafael Mendonça França

  • Fix incorrect SQL query when passing an empty hash to ActiveRecord::Base.insert.

    David Stosik

  • Allow to save records with polymorphic join tables that have inverse_of

    Markus Doits

  • Fix association scopes applying on the incorrect join when using a polymorphic has_many through:.

    Joshua Young

  • Allow ActiveRecord::Base#pluck to accept hash arguments with symbol and string values.

    Post.joins(:comments).pluck(:id, comments: :id)
    Post.joins(:comments).pluck("id", "comments" => "id")

    Joshua Young

  • Make Float distinguish between float4 and float8 in PostgreSQL.

    Fixes #52742

    Ryota Kitazawa, Takayuki Nagatomi

Action View

  • Remove deprecated support to passing a content to void tag elements on the tag builder.

    Rafael Mendonça França

  • Remove deprecated support to passing nil to the model: argument of form_with.

    Rafael Mendonça França

Action Pack

  • Remove Rails.application.config.action_controller.allow_deprecated_parameters_hash_equality.

    Rafael Mendonça França

  • Improve ActionController::TestCase to expose a binary encoded request.body.

    The rack spec clearly states:

    The input stream is an IO-like object which contains the raw HTTP POST data.
    When applicable, its external encoding must be “ASCII-8BIT” and it must be opened in binary mode.

    Until now its encoding was generally UTF-8, which doesn't accurately reflect production

    Jean Boussier

  • Update ActionController::AllowBrowser to support passing method names to :block

    class ApplicationController < ActionController::Base
      allow_browser versions: :modern, block: :handle_outdated_browser
        def handle_outdated_browser
          render file: Rails.root.join("public/custom-error.html"), status: :not_acceptable

    Sean Doyle

  • Raise an ArgumentError when invalid :only or :except options are passed into #resource and #resources.

    Joshua Young

Active Job

  • Remove deprecated config.active_job.use_big_decimal_serializer.

    Rafael Mendonça França

Action Mailer

  • No changes.

Action Cable

  • No changes.

Active Storage

  • No changes.

Action Mailbox

  • No changes.

Action Text

  • No changes.


  • Remove deprecated support to extend Rails console through Rails::ConsoleMethods.

    Rafael Mendonça França

  • Remove deprecated file rails/console/helpers.

    Rafael Mendonça França

  • Remove deprecated file rails/console/app.

    Rafael Mendonça França

  • Remove deprecated config.read_encrypted_secrets.

    Rafael Mendonça França

  • Add Kamal support for devcontainers

    Previously generated devcontainer could not use docker and therefore Kamal.

    Joé Dupuis


  • No changes.

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