gems rails 7.1.0.rc1

latest releases: 7.1.4, 7.2.1, 7.2.0...
12 months ago

Active Support

  • Add a new public API for broadcasting logs

    This feature existed for a while but was until now a private API.
    Broadcasting log allows to send log message to difference sinks (STDOUT, a file ...) and
    is used by default in the development environment to write logs both on STDOUT and in the
    "development.log" file.

    Basic usage:

    stdout_logger =
    file_logger ="development.log")
    broadcast =, file_logger)"Hello!") # The "Hello!" message is written on STDOUT and in the log file.

    Adding other sink(s) to the broadcast:

    broadcast =

    Remove a sink from the broadcast:

    stdout_logger =
    broadcast =

    Edouard Chin

  • Fix Range#overlap? not taking empty ranges into account on Ruby < 3.3

    Nobuyoshi Nakada, Shouichi Kamiya, Hartley McGuire

  • Use Ruby 3.3 Range#overlap? if available

    Yasuo Honda

Active Model

  • Remove change in the typography of user facing error messages.
    For example, “can’t be blank” is again “can't be blank”.

    Rafael Mendonça França

Active Record

  • Better naming for unique constraints support.

    Naming unique keys leads to misunderstanding it's a short-hand of unique indexes.
    Just naming it unique constraints is not misleading.

    In Rails 7.1.0.beta1 or before:

    add_unique_key :sections, [:position], deferrable: :deferred, name: "unique_section_position"
    remove_unique_key :sections, name: "unique_section_position"


    add_unique_constraint :sections, [:position], deferrable: :deferred, name: "unique_section_position"
    remove_unique_constraint :sections, name: "unique_section_position"

    Ryuta Kamizono

  • Fix duplicate quoting for check constraint expressions in schema dump when using MySQL

    A check constraint with an expression, that already contains quotes, lead to an invalid schema
    dump with the mysql2 adapter.

    Fixes #42424.

    Felix Tscheulin

  • Performance tune the SQLite3 adapter connection configuration

    For Rails applications, the Write-Ahead-Log in normal syncing mode with a capped journal size, a healthy shared memory buffer and a shared cache will perform, on average, 2× better.

    Stephen Margheim

  • Allow SQLite3 busy_handler to be configured with simple max number of retries

    Retrying busy connections without delay is a preferred practice for performance-sensitive applications. Add support for a database.yml retries integer, which is used in a simple busy_handler function to retry busy connections without exponential backoff up to the max number of retries.

    Stephen Margheim

  • The SQLite3 adapter now supports supports_insert_returning?

    Implementing the full supports_insert_returning? contract means the SQLite3 adapter supports auto-populated columns (#48241) as well as custom primary keys.

    Stephen Margheim

  • Ensure the SQLite3 adapter handles default functions with the || concatenation operator

    Previously, this default function would produce the static string "'Ruby ' || 'on ' || 'Rails'".
    Now, the adapter will appropriately receive and use "Ruby on Rails".

    change_column_default "test_models", "ruby_on_rails", -> { "('Ruby ' || 'on ' || 'Rails')" }

    Stephen Margheim

  • Dump PostgreSQL schemas as part of the schema dump.

    Lachlan Sylvester

Action View

  • Introduce ActionView::TestCase.register_parser

    register_parser :rss, -> rendered { RSS::Parser.parse(rendered) }
    test "renders RSS" do
      article = Article.create!(title: "Hello, world")
      render formats: :rss, partial: article
      assert_equal "Hello, world", rendered.rss.items.last.title

    By default, register parsers for :html and :json.

    Sean Doyle

Action Pack

  • Add support for #deep_merge and #deep_merge! to

    Sean Doyle

Active Job

  • Set scheduled_at attribute as a Time object instead of epoch seconds, and serialize and deserialize the value
    when enqueued. Assigning a numeric/epoch value to scheduled_at= is deprecated; use a Time object instead.

    Deserializes enqueued_at as a Time instead of ISO8601 String.

    Ben Sheldon

  • Clarify the backoff strategy for the recommended :wait option when retrying jobs

    wait: :exponentially_longer is waiting polynomially longer, so it is now recommended to use wait: :polynomially_longer to keep the same behavior.

    Victor Mours

Action Mailer

  • Introduce ActionMailer::FormBuilder

    Use the default_form_builder method in mailers to set the default form builder
    for templates rendered by that mailer. Matches the behaviour in Action Controller.

    Alex Ghiculescu

Action Cable

  • No changes.

Active Storage

  • Add expires_at option to ActiveStorage::Blob#signed_id.

    rails_blob_path(user.avatar, disposition: "attachment", expires_at: 30.minutes.from_now)
    <%= image_tag rails_blob_path(user.avatar.variant(resize: "100x100"), expires_at: 30.minutes.from_now) %>


  • Allow attaching File and Pathname when assigning attributes, e.g.

    User.create!(avatar: file_fixture("image.jpg"))

    Dorian Marié

Action Mailbox

  • No changes.

Action Text

  • No changes.


  • Require concurrent-ruby in config/puma.rb so that Puma can boot in
    production when WEB_CONCURRENCY is not explicitly specified.

    Fixes #49323.

    Matt Brictson

  • Raise error when generating attribute with dangerous name.

    The following will now raise an error as save and hash are already
    defined by Active Record.

    $ bin/rails generate model Post save
    $ bin/rails generate model Post hash

    Petrik de Heus

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