gems rails 7.0.3

latest releases: 7.1.4, 7.2.1, 7.2.0...
2 years ago

Active Support

  • No changes.

Active Model

  • No changes.

Active Record

  • Some internal housekeeping on reloads could break custom respond_to?
    methods in class objects that referenced reloadable constants. See
    #44125 for details.

    Xavier Noria

  • Fixed MariaDB default function support.

    Defaults would be written wrong in "db/schema.rb" and not work correctly
    if using db:schema:load. Further more the function name would be
    added as string content when saving new records.


  • Fix remove_foreign_key with :if_exists option when foreign key actually exists.


  • Remove --no-comments flag in structure dumps for PostgreSQL

    This broke some apps that used custom schema comments. If you don't want
    comments in your structure dump, you can use:

    ActiveRecord::Tasks::DatabaseTasks.structure_dump_flags = ['--no-comments']

    Alex Ghiculescu

  • Use the model name as a prefix when filtering encrypted attributes from logs.

    For example, when encrypting Person#name it will add as a filter
    parameter, instead of just name. This prevents unintended filtering of parameters
    with a matching name in other models.

    Jorge Manrubia

  • Fix quoting of ActiveSupport::Duration and Rational numbers in the MySQL adapter.

    Kevin McPhillips

  • Fix change_column_comment to preserve column's AUTO_INCREMENT in the MySQL adapter


Action View

  • Ensure models passed to form_for attempt to call to_model.

    Sean Doyle

Action Pack

  • Allow relative redirects when raise_on_open_redirects is enabled.

    Tom Hughes

  • Fix authenticate_with_http_basic to allow for missing password.

    Before Rails 7.0 it was possible to handle basic authentication with only a username.

    authenticate_with_http_basic do |token, _|

    This ability is restored.

    Jean Boussier

  • Fix content_security_policy returning invalid directives.

    Directives such as self, unsafe-eval and few others were not
    single quoted when the directive was the result of calling a lambda
    returning an array.

    content_security_policy do |policy|
      policy.frame_ancestors lambda { [:self, ""] }

    With this fix the policy generated from above will now be valid.

    Edouard Chin

  • Fix skip_forgery_protection to run without raising an error if forgery
    protection has not been enabled / verify_authenticity_token is not a
    defined callback.

    This fix prevents the Rails 7.0 Welcome Page (/) from raising an
    ArgumentError if default_protect_from_forgery is false.

    Brad Trick

  • Fix ActionController::Live to copy the IsolatedExecutionState in the ephemeral thread.

    Since its inception ActionController::Live has been copying thread local variables
    to keep things such as CurrentAttributes set from middlewares working in the controller action.

    With the introduction of IsolatedExecutionState in 7.0, some of that global state was lost in
    ActionController::Live controllers.

    Jean Boussier

  • Fix setting trailing_slash: true in route definition.

    get '/test' => "test#index", as: :test, trailing_slash: true
    test_path() # => "/test/"

    Jean Boussier

Active Job

  • Add missing bigdecimal require in ActiveJob::Arguments

    Could cause uninitialized constant ActiveJob::Arguments::BigDecimal (NameError)
    when loading Active Job in isolation.

    Jean Boussier

Action Mailer

  • No changes.

Action Cable

  • No changes.

Active Storage

  • Don't stream responses in redirect mode

    Previously, both redirect mode and proxy mode streamed their
    responses which caused a new thread to be created, and could end
    up leaking connections in the connection pool. But since redirect
    mode doesn't actually send any data, it doesn't need to be

    Luke Lau

Action Mailbox

  • No changes.

Action Text

  • No changes.


  • If reloading and eager loading are both enabled, after a reload Rails eager loads again the application code.

    Xavier Noria

  • Use controller_class_path in Rails::Generators::NamedBase#route_url

    The route_url method now returns the correct path when generating
    a namespaced controller with a top-level model using --model-name.

    Previously, when running this command:

    bin/rails generate scaffold_controller Admin/Post --model-name Post

    the comments above the controller action would look like:

    # GET /posts
    def index
      @posts = Post.all

    afterwards, they now look like this:

    # GET /admin/posts
    def index
      @posts = Post.all

    Fixes #44662.

    Andrew White

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