gems pagy 8.4.3
Version 8.4.3

latest releases: 8.5.0, 8.4.5, 8.4.4...
20 days ago

✴ What's new in 8.0+ ✴

  • New Pagy Playground to showcase, clone and develop pagy APPs without any setup on
    your side (try the pagy demo)
  • New :max_pages variable to limit the pagination regardless the actual count
  • Better frontend helpers
  • The foundation, materialize, semantic and uikit CSS extras have been discontinued and will be removed in v9 (See
    the details)
  • See the CHANGELOG for possible breaking changes

Changes in 8.4.3

  • Deprecate/rename javascript files keeping copies of old files to avoid production breaking changes; updates playground apps


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