gems mini_magick 5.0.0

latest releases: 5.2.0, 5.1.2, 5.1.1...
7 months ago


  • New class method shorthands were added for the tool API:

    # BEFORE { |convert| ... } { |convert| ... }
    # ...
    # AFTER
    MiniMagick.convert { |convert| ... }
    MiniMagick.identify { |identify| ... }
    # ...
  • Image#write now deletes the underlying tempfile if was used, instead of relying on the tempfile to eventually be garbage collected.

Backwards compatibility

  • Removed official GraphicsMagick support. GraphicsMagick can be used by setting cli_prefix:

    MiniMagick.configure do |config|
      config.cli_prefix = "gm"

    Some features won't be supported, such as MiniMagick.timeout (GraphicsMagick doesn't support time limits), Image#data (GraphicsMagick doesn't support JSON image details) and Image#exif (returns different format).

    As a result, MiniMagick.cli and MiniMagick.processor configuration has been removed as well.

  • MiniMagick::Image and MiniMagick.convert now use magick instead of the deprecated magick convert on ImageMagick 7. This should be backwards compatible, but there might be small differences in options and behavior.

  • Removed deprecated posix-spawn shell backend, along with MiniMagick.shell_api configuration.

    Ruby 2.x has long used vfork, so there is no performance advantage of using posix-spawn. Additionally, Ruby 3.x has switched to non-blocking pipes, which should resolve deadlocks people experienced with Open3. See #558 for more details.

  • Removed obsolete Image#run_command.

  • Removed deprecated Image#mime_type, as it wasn't accurate.

    MIME type from file content should be determined either using Marcel or MimeMagic, or mime-types or MiniMime using Image#type.

  • The MiniMagick::Tool::* classes have been deprecated in favor of the class-level interface.

  • The MiniMagick.timeout configuration now uses the native ImageMagick timeout environment variable $MAGICK_TIME_LIMIT. This variable doesn't support timeouts lower than 1 second.

  • The MiniMagick.whiny configuration has been renamed to MiniMagick.errors.

  • Images are no longer automatically validated on, or Image.create.

  • The deprecated Image#details method has been removed in favor of the more reliable Image#data.

  • The Image#respond_to_missing? method has been removed, meaning that Image#respond_to? will return false for ImageMagick option methods.

    As a result, the undocumented MiniMagick::Tool.option_methods method has been removed as well, along with the no-op MiniMagick.reload_tools.

  • Removed the obsolete MiniMagick.processor_path configuration, which as mostly an alias for MiniMagick.cli_path.

  • Removed the deprecated MiniMagick.debug configuration in favor of MiniMagick.logger.level = Logger::DEBUG.

  • Removed the unused MiniMagick.validate_on_write configuration.

  • Additional Pathname#open or URI#open options for need to be passed in as keyword arguments instead of a hash.

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