gems karafka 2.4.10

latest releases: 2.4.17, 2.4.16, 2.4.15...
5 months ago
  • [Feature] Provide Kafka based Scheduled Messages to be able to send messages in the future via a proxy topic.
  • [Enhancement] Introduce a #assigned hook for consumers to be able to trigger actions when consumer is built and assigned but before first consume/ticking, etc.
  • [Enhancement] Provide Karafka::Messages::Message#tombstone? to be able to quickly check if a message is a tombstone message.
  • [Enhancement] Provide more flexible API for Recurring Tasks topics reconfiguration.
  • [Enhancement] Remove no longer needed Rails connection releaser.
  • [Enhancement] Update AppSignal client to support newer versions (tombruijn and hieuk09).
  • [Fix] Fix a case where there would be a way to define multiple subscription groups for same topic with different consumer.

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