gems karafka 2.2.5

latest releases: 2.4.17, 2.4.16, 2.4.15...
17 months ago
  • [Enhancement] Ensure, that when topic related operations end, the result is usable. There were few cases where admin operations on topics would finish successfully but internal Kafka caches would not report changes for a short period of time.
  • [Enhancement] Stabilize cooperative-sticky early shutdown procedure.
  • [Fix] use #nil? instead of #present? on DataDog::Tracing::SpanOperation (vitellochris)
  • [Maintenance] Align connection clearing API with Rails 7.1 deprecation warning.
  • [Maintenance] Make #subscription_group reference consistent in the Routing and Instrumentation.
  • [Maintenance] Align the consumer pause instrumentation with client pause instrumentation by adding subscription_group visibility to the consumer.

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