gems karafka 2.2.14

latest releases: 2.4.17, 2.4.16, 2.4.15...
14 months ago
  • [Feature] Provide Karafka::Admin#delete_consumer_group and Karafka::Admin#seek_consumer_group.
  • [Feature] Provide Karafka::App.assignments that will return real-time assignments tracking.
  • [Enhancement] Make sure that the Scheduling API is thread-safe by default and allow for lock-less schedulers when schedulers are stateless.
  • [Enhancement] "Blockless" topics with defaults
  • [Enhancement] Provide a finished? method to the jobs for advanced reference based job schedulers.
  • [Enhancement] Provide client.reset notification event.
  • [Enhancement] Remove all usage of concurrent-ruby from Karafka
  • [Change] Replace single #before_schedule with appropriate methods and events for scheduling various types of work. This is needed as we may run different framework logic on those and, second, for accurate job tracking with advanced schedulers.
  • [Change] Rename before_enqueue to before_schedule to reflect what it does and when (internal).
  • [Change] Remove not needed error catchers for strategies code. This code if errors, should be considered critical and should not be silenced.
  • [Change] Remove not used notifications events.

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