gems karafka 2.1.6

latest releases: 2.4.17, 2.4.16, 2.4.15...
20 months ago
  • [Improvement] Provide time support for iterator
  • [Improvement] Provide time support for admin #read_topic
  • [Improvement] Provide time support for consumer #seek.
  • [Improvement] Remove no longer needed locks for client operations.
  • [Improvement] Raise Karafka::Errors::TopicNotFoundError when trying to iterate over non-existing topic.
  • [Improvement] Ensure that Kafka multi-command operations run under mutex together.
  • [Change] Require waterdrop >= 2.6.2
  • [Change] Require karafka-core >= 2.1.1
  • [Refactor] Clean-up iterator code.
  • [Fix] Improve performance in dev environment for a Rails app (juike)
  • [Fix] Rename InvalidRealOffsetUsage to InvalidRealOffsetUsageError to align with naming of other errors.
  • [Fix] Fix unstable spec.
  • [Fix] Fix a case where automatic #seek would overwrite manual seek of a user when running LRJ.
  • [Fix] Make sure, that user direct #seek and #pause operations take precedence over system actions.
  • [Fix] Make sure, that #pause and #resume with one underlying connection do not race-condition.

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