gems karafka 2.0.41

latest releases: 2.4.17, 2.4.16, 2.4.15...
22 months ago
  • [Feature] Provide Karafka::Pro::Iterator for anonymous topic/partitions iterations and messages lookups (#1389 and #1427).
  • [Improvement] Optimize topic lookup for read_topic admin method usage.
  • [Improvement] Report via LoggerListener information about the partition on which a given job has started and finished.
  • [Improvement] Slightly normalize the LoggerListener format. Always report partition-related operations as follows: TOPIC_NAME/PARTITION.
  • [Improvement] Do not retry recovery from unknown_topic_or_part when Karafka is shutting down as there is no point and no risk of any data losses.
  • [Improvement] Report and according to librdkafka recommendation.
  • [Improvement] Report ten longest integration specs after the suite execution.
  • [Improvement] Prevent user-originating errors related to statistics processing after listener loop crash from potentially crashing the listener loop and hanging Karafka process.

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