gems fastlane 2.224.0
2.224.0 Improvements

11 hours ago
  • [spaceship] Add support for Enterprise Program API (#22215) via GevaZeichner (@GevaZeichner)
  • Make test pass standalone (#22268) via Jerome Lacoste (@lacostej)
  • Add missing require 'ostruct' in erb_template_helper.rb to solve uninitialized constant Fastlane::OpenStruct (NameError) (#21950) via Nicolas G (@nicgodoy)
  • [Fastlane.Swift] Allow overriding LaneFileProtocol lifecycles when subclassing LaneFile (#20563) via Sven Tiigi (@SvenTiigi)
  • [Match][S3] Only download (and decrypt) files in the subfolder of the provided TeamID (#22199) via Olivier Halligon (@AliSoftware)

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