gems fastlane 2.204.3
2.204.3 Improvements

latest releases: 2.221.1, 2.221.0, 2.220.0...
2 years ago
  • [trainer][scan] identify skipped tests in xcresult and export to Junit format and output in scan (#19957) via Igor Makarov
  • [Fastlane.Swift] Swift fastlane upgrader #18933 (#19914) via Enrique Garcia
  • [pem][spaceship] update development push certificate type ID (#19879) via Igor Makarov
  • [snapshot] fix compile error on macCatalyst (#19917) via Philipp Arndt
  • [Fastlane.Swift] readPodspec: return map of [String: Any] (#19953) via Hais Deakin
  • [match] update :force_for_new_certificates option description (#19938) via Wolfgang Lutz

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