gems fastlane 2.184.1
2.184.1 Improvements

latest releases: 2.221.1, 2.221.0, 2.220.0...
3 years ago
  • [fastlane][plugin_manager] printing comma separated plugin actions (#18739) via Manish Rathi
  • [docs] onboarding pull-request (core contributor) (#18769) via Manish Rathi
  • [fastlane_core][pilot] fix pilot is unable to select latest build when distribute_only is true (#18710) via Lukasz Grabowski
  • [action][swiftlint] remove all instances of is_string in options and use type (#18735) via Manish Rathi
  • [spaceship] adding missing beta_testers attribute to BetaGroup (#18724) via gsavit
  • [spaceship adding beta build localizations attribute to Build model (#18725) via gsavit
  • [fastlane_core] ConfigItem - auto_convert_value improvements for Boolean type (#18736) via Manish Rathi
  • [match] update s3_secret_access_key to sensitive option (#18737) via Peelz
  • [carthage] fix typo in carthage.rb (#18744) via Ikko Ashimine
  • [gym] improved provisioning export with odd names in specs (#18741) via Hans Fehrmann
  • [Ruby 3.0][app_store_connect_api_key] fix spaceship connect-api token creation (#18758) via Manish Rathi
  • [docs] Improved the README file avatars resolution (#18764) via Manish Rathi

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