gems fastlane 2.176.0
2.176.0 Improvements

latest releases: 2.221.1, 2.221.0, 2.220.0...
3 years ago
  • [pilot] fix default value of demo_account_required to nil instead of false (#18158) via Albert Casademont
  • [pilot] also wait for build processing when only distributing (#18073) via Benedek Kozma
  • [scan] add possibility for copying pre-built .xctestrun file into test_output directory (#18057) via Nemanja Filipovic
  • [precheck] update error message for Precheck cannot check In-app purchases with the App Store Connect API Key (#18251) via Lachlan
  • [action] jazzy - add module_version option (#18260) via Marcin Stepnowski
  • [spaceship][spaceauth] fix SPACESHIP_2FA_SMS_DEFAULT_PHONE_NUMBER forcing 'sms' push mode (#18239) via Hiroto Nakamura
  • [screengrab] fix regression #18240: tries to use adb.exeadb as the executable name on Windows. (#18241) via Kartik Soneji

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