gems fastlane 2.100.0
2.100.0 Improvements

latest releases: 2.221.1, 2.221.0, 2.220.0...
5 years ago


  • [scan] raise error if scan fails with a building/compiling error (#12916) via Josh Holtz
  • [action] add dsym_paths option to upload_symbols_to_crashlytics (#12832) via Josh Holtz
  • [action] dd new :context option to "jira" action (#12912) via Kirill Budevich
  • [supply] add support for release notes from bundles (#12906) via Tom Wilson
  • [action] dd server url to the Sonar action (#12907) via Yann Vaillant
  • [fastlane] replace occurrences of "iTunesConnect" with "App Store Connect" (#12904) via Iulian Onofrei
  • [snapshot] fix bug getting the device width (#12881) via Saúl Moreno Abril
  • [action] fix option in github_api action to disable ssl verification (#12846) via Raymond Hoagland
  • [snapshot] add result_bundle option (same as gym and scan) (#12825) via Josh Holtz
  • [action] crashlytics action handles user set crashlytics path better if submit binary not linked directly (#12896) via Josh Holtz
  • [fastlane] show metrics opt-out message the first time fastlane runs (#12897) via Shihua Zheng
  • [action] fix reset_simulator_contents to work with Xcode 9 and later (#12863) via Josh Holtz
  • [action] fix version_get_podspec to allow parsing pre-release suffix (#12809) via Josh Holtz
  • [spaceship] remove defaulting push notifications on in create_app (see migration notes) (#12862) via Josh Holtz
  • [deliver] generate Preview.html file in fastlane directory like gitignore suggests (see migration notes) (#12812) via Josh Holtz
  • Make all require types consistent (#12864) via Iulian Onofrei
  • [action] fix wording in ensure_git_branch's output message (#12860) via Iulian Onofrei
  • [spaceship] fix incorrect service id for Wallet (#12858) via Fumiya Nakamura
  • [snapshot] set ConnectHardwareKeyboard to false for all simulators. Issue #12325. (#12829) via Stephen Williams
  • [Fastlane.swift] pod_lib_lint and pod_push sources option is now an array (#12823) via Josh Holtz
  • [Fastlane.swift] now has access to lane name with laneContext() and environmentVariable() (#12814) via Josh Holtz

Migration Notes

  • deliver now creates the Preview.html file inside of the fastlane directory like the suggests
    • Edit your .gitignore to include either fastlane/Preview.html or Preview.html to keep ignoring this file from being committed if you haven't done so already
  • produce will not enable the push notification service by default anymore
    • This change was made to reflect how the Developer Center creates new apps
    • pem will enable this service when creating a new push notification cert but can also be done by adding the enable_services: {push_notifications: "on"} option in produce

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