gems fastlane 1.8.0
1.8.0 Switch Lanes & Pass Parameters

latest releases: 2.220.0, 2.219.0, 2.218.0...
8 years ago

This is one of the biggest updates of fastlane yet: You can now execute lanes from within lanes and even pass parameters.

This allows you to move common build steps into a shared lane. Additionally it's now also possible to pass parameters from the command line to your lane.

Passing Parameters

To pass parameters from the command line to your lane, use the following syntax:

fastlane [lane] key:value key2:value2

fastlane deploy submit:false build_number:24

To access those values, change your lane decleration to also include |options|

lane :deploy do |options|
  if options[:submit]
    # Only when submit is true
  increment_build_number(build_number: options[:build_nymber])

Switching lanes

To switch lanes while executing a lane, use the following code:

lane :deploy do |options|
  build(release: true) # that's the important bit

lane :staging do |options|
  build # it also works when you don't pass parameters

lane :build do |options|
  scheme = (options[:release] ? "Release" : "Staging")
  ipa(scheme: scheme)

fastlane takes care of all the magic for you. You can call lanes of the same platform or a general lane outside of the platform definition.

Passing parameters is optional.

Returning values

Additionally, you can retrieve the return value. In Ruby, the last line of the lane definition is the return value. Here is an example:

lane :deploy do |options|
  value = calculate(value: 3)
  puts value # => 5

lane :calculate do |options|
  2 + options[:value] # the last line will always be the return value

More changes

  • Upload of the dsym file by default when using the hockey integration
  • Improved importing of certificates (thanks @milch)
  • Updated documentation

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