gems fastlane 0.12.0
0.12.0 New Configuration System

latest releases: 2.220.0, 2.219.0, 2.218.0...
9 years ago

tldr: You might need to update your Fastfile using the MigrationGuide.

The biggest change of fastlane yet 💥

126 new commits, all added over the weekend (crazy me, @joshdholtz and @milch 🚀), all in one giant pull request.

The fastlane actions now use a completely new way to offer configuration: Up until now, every action handled configuration, default values and validation on its own.

I took all that and moved it into fastlane_core to have all in a centralised code base.


  • You now have the same API style for all fastlane actions
  • All available parameters can now be set as either arguments or environment variables
  • Much better error handling and test coverage thanks to a centralised system
  • Better generated documentation when using fastlane actions
  • Less boiler code for each action

What has changed for me?

I tried to adapt fastlane to not require a lot of changes in your Fastfile. There are only 3 actions that need to be adapted: I published a short MigrationGuide.

These changes were necessary to support future development. The plan is to release a 1.0.0 later next week. This was the first and only time there were breaking changes in fastlane.


We have to think about our future. We want it to be bright 🔆 and fast 🚀!

That's why this change enables fastlane doing so much cool new stuff in future releases, I'm super excited about what's coming next!

One more thing

The code coverage of fastlane was improved to: Coverage Status

The updated fastlane_core has a similar coverage: Coverage Status

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