gems active_storage_validations 1.4.0

one day ago

What's Changed

  • Fixed typo in README in test matcher section. by @D4uS1 in #300
  • [CI] Upgrade from checkout@v2 to checkout@v4 (#305) by @Mth0158 in #306
  • [Validator] Detect attachable content_type like Rails, plus rewind the io after using it (#321) by @Mth0158 in #322
  • [Analyzer] Refacto our image analyzers to further expand the gem (#254) by @Mth0158 in #299
  • Chore/rails 61 by @tagliala in #324
  • Require marcel by @ngan in #326
  • [Validator] Optimise content_type validator check when not using spoofing protection (#331) by @Mth0158 in #332
  • Refactor require-ing for supported analyzers by @ngan in #327
  • 323 validations not locating file uploaded using fixture file upload using vips by @Mth0158 in #325
  • Allow multiple aspect ratios by @mohammednasser-32 in #294
  • [Sponsors] Add @Mth0158 as possible sponsored by @Mth0158 in #329

New Contributors

Full Changelog: 1.3.4...1.4.0

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