gems actioncable 7.2.0.beta1

latest releases: 8.0.1,,
8 months ago

Active Support

  • Support duration type in ActiveSupport::XmlMini.


  • Remove deprecated ActiveSupport::Notifications::Event#children and ActiveSupport::Notifications::Event#parent_of?.

    Rafael Mendonça França

  • Remove deprecated support to call the following methods without passing a deprecator:

    • deprecate
    • deprecate_constant
    • assert_deprecated
    • assert_not_deprecated
    • collect_deprecations

    Rafael Mendonça França

  • Remove deprecated ActiveSupport::Deprecation delegation to instance.

    Rafael Mendonça França

  • Remove deprecated SafeBuffer#clone_empty.

    Rafael Mendonça França

  • Remove deprecated #to_default_s from Array, Date, DateTime and Time.

    Rafael Mendonça França

  • Remove deprecated support to passing Dalli::Client instances to MemCacheStore.

    Rafael Mendonça França

  • Remove deprecated config.active_support.use_rfc4122_namespaced_uuids.

    Rafael Mendonça França

  • Remove deprecated config.active_support.remove_deprecated_time_with_zone_name.

    Rafael Mendonça França

  • Remove deprecated config.active_support.disable_to_s_conversion.

    Rafael Mendonça França

  • Remove deprecated support to bolding log text with positional boolean in ActiveSupport::LogSubscriber#color.

    Rafael Mendonça França

  • Remove deprecated constants ActiveSupport::LogSubscriber::CLEAR and ActiveSupport::LogSubscriber::BOLD.

    Rafael Mendonça França

  • Remove deprecated support for config.active_support.cache_format_version = 6.1.

    Rafael Mendonça França

  • Remove deprecated :pool_size and :pool_timeout options for the cache storage.

    Rafael Mendonça França

  • Warn on tests without assertions.

    ActiveSupport::TestCase now warns when tests do not run any assertions.
    This is helpful in detecting broken tests that do not perform intended assertions.


  • Support hexBinary type in ActiveSupport::XmlMini.


  • Deprecate ActiveSupport::ProxyObject in favor of Ruby's built-in BasicObject.


  • stub_const now accepts a exists: false parameter to allow stubbing missing constants.

    Jean Boussier

  • Make ActiveSupport::BacktraceCleaner copy filters and silencers on dup and clone.

    Previously the copy would still share the internal silencers and filters array,
    causing state to leak.

    Jean Boussier

  • Updating Astana with Western Kazakhstan TZInfo identifier.

    Damian Nelson

  • Add filename support for ActiveSupport::Logger.logger_outputs_to?.

    logger ='/var/log/rails.log')
    ActiveSupport::Logger.logger_outputs_to?(logger, '/var/log/rails.log')

    Christian Schmidt

  • Include IPAddr#prefix when serializing an IPAddr using the
    ActiveSupport::MessagePack serializer.

    This change is backward and forward compatible — old payloads can
    still be read, and new payloads will be readable by older versions of Rails.

    Taiki Komaba

  • Add default: support for ActiveSupport::CurrentAttributes.attribute.

    class Current < ActiveSupport::CurrentAttributes
      attribute :counter, default: 0

    Sean Doyle

  • Remove deprecated support for the pre-Ruby 2.4 behavior of to_time returning a Time object with local timezone.

    Rafael Mendonça França

  • Deprecate config.active_support.to_time_preserves_timezone.

    Rafael Mendonça França

  • Deprecate DateAndTime::Compatibility.preserve_timezone.

    Rafael Mendonça França

  • Yield instance to Object#with block.

    client.with(timeout: 5_000) do |c|

    Sean Doyle

  • Use logical core count instead of physical core count to determine the
    default number of workers when parallelizing tests.

    Jonathan Hefner

  • Fix to return results in a system timezone after #travel_to.

    There is a bug in the current implementation of #travel_to:
    it remembers a timezone of its argument, and all stubbed methods start
    returning results in that remembered timezone. However, the expected
    behavior is to return results in a system timezone.

    Aleksei Chernenkov

  • Add ErrorReported#unexpected to report precondition violations.

    For example:

    def edit
      if published?
        Rails.error.unexpected("[BUG] Attempting to edit a published article, that shouldn't be possible")
        return false
      # ...

    The above will raise an error in development and test, but only report the error in production.

    Jean Boussier

  • Make the order of read_multi and write_multi notifications for Cache::Store#fetch_multi operations match the order they are executed in.

    Adam Renberg Tamm

  • Make return values of Cache::Store#write consistent.

    The return value was not specified before. Now it returns true on a successful write,
    nil if there was an error talking to the cache backend, and false if the write failed
    for another reason (e.g. the key already exists and unless_exist: true was passed).

    Sander Verdonschot

  • Fix logged cache keys not always matching actual key used by cache action.

    Hartley McGuire

  • Improve error messages of assert_changes and assert_no_changes.

    assert_changes error messages now display objects with .inspect to make it easier
    to differentiate nil from empty strings, strings from symbols, etc.
    assert_no_changes error messages now surface the actual value.


  • Fix #to_fs(:human_size) to correctly work with negative numbers.


  • Fix BroadcastLogger#dup so that it duplicates the logger's broadcasts.

    Andrew Novoselac

  • Fix issue where bootstrap.rb overwrites the level of a BroadcastLogger's broadcasts.

    Andrew Novoselac

  • Fix compatibility with the semantic_logger gem.

    The semantic_logger gem doesn't behave exactly like stdlib logger in that
    SemanticLogger#level returns a Symbol while stdlib Logger#level returns an Integer.

    This caused the various LogSubscriber classes in Rails to break when assigned a
    SemanticLogger instance.

    Jean Boussier, ojab

  • Fix MemoryStore to prevent race conditions when incrementing or decrementing.

    Pierre Jambet

  • Implement HashWithIndifferentAccess#to_proc.

    Previously, calling #to_proc on HashWithIndifferentAccess object used inherited #to_proc
    method from the Hash class, which was not able to access values using indifferent keys.


Active Model

  • Fix a bug where type casting of string to Time and DateTime doesn't
    calculate minus minute value in TZ offset correctly.

    Akira Matsuda

  • Port the type_for_attribute method to Active Model. Classes that include
    ActiveModel::Attributes will now provide this method. This method behaves
    the same for Active Model as it does for Active Record.

    class MyModel
      include ActiveModel::Attributes
      attribute :my_attribute, :integer
    MyModel.type_for_attribute(:my_attribute) # => #<ActiveModel::Type::Integer ...>

    Jonathan Hefner

Active Record

  • Fix inference of association model on nested models with the same demodularized name.

    E.g. with the following setup:

    class Nested::Post < ApplicationRecord
      has_one :post, through: :other

    Before, #post would infer the model as Nested::Post, but now it correctly infers Post.

    Joshua Young

  • PostgreSQL Cidr#change? detects the address prefix change.

    Taketo Takashima

  • Change BatchEnumerator#destroy_all to return the total number of affected rows.

    Previously, it always returned nil.


  • Support touch_all in batches.



  • Add support for :if_not_exists and :force options to create_schema.


  • Fix index_errors having incorrect index in association validation errors.


  • Add index_errors: :nested_attributes_order mode.

    This indexes the association validation errors based on the order received by nested attributes setter, and respects the reject_if configuration. This enables API to provide enough information to the frontend to map the validation errors back to their respective form fields.


  • Add Rails.application.config.active_record.postgresql_adapter_decode_dates to opt out of decoding dates automatically with the postgresql adapter. Defaults to true.

    Joé Dupuis

  • Association option query_constraints is deprecated in favor of foreign_key.

    Nikita Vasilevsky

  • Add ENV["SKIP_TEST_DATABASE_TRUNCATE"] flag to speed up multi-process test runs on large DBs when all tests run within default transaction.

    This cuts ~10s from the test run of HEY when run by 24 processes against the 178 tables, since ~4,000 table truncates can then be skipped.


  • Added support for recursive common table expressions.

      post_and_replies: [
        Post.where(id: 42),
        Post.joins('JOIN post_and_replies ON posts.in_reply_to_id ='),

    Generates the following SQL:

    WITH RECURSIVE "post_and_replies" AS (
      (SELECT "posts".* FROM "posts" WHERE "posts"."id" = 42)
      (SELECT "posts".* FROM "posts" JOIN post_and_replies ON posts.in_reply_to_id =
    SELECT "posts".* FROM "posts"


  • validate_constraint can be called in a change_table block.


    change_table :products do |t|
      t.check_constraint "price > discounted_price", name: "price_check", validate: false
      t.validate_check_constraint "price_check"

    Cody Cutrer

  • PostgreSQLAdapter now decodes columns of type date to Date instead of string.


         .select_value("select '2024-01-01'::date").class #=> Date

    Joé Dupuis

  • Strict loading using :n_plus_one_only does not eagerly load child associations.

    With this change, child associations are no longer eagerly loaded, to
    match intended behavior and to prevent non-deterministic order issues caused
    by calling methods like first or last. As first and last don't cause
    an N+1 by themselves, calling child associations will no longer raise.
    Fixes #49473.


    person = Person.find(1)
    person.strict_loading!(mode: :n_plus_one_only)
    # SELECT * FROM posts WHERE person_id = 1; -- non-deterministic order
    person.posts.first.firm # raises ActiveRecord::StrictLoadingViolationError


    person = Person.find(1)
    person.strict_loading!(mode: :n_plus_one_only)
    person.posts.first # this is 1+1, not N+1
    # SELECT * FROM posts WHERE person_id = 1 ORDER BY id LIMIT 1;
    person.posts.first.firm # no longer raises

    Reid Lynch

  • Allow Sqlite3Adapter to use sqlite3 gem version 2.x.

    Mike Dalessio

  • Allow ActiveRecord::Base#pluck to accept hash values.

    # Before
    Post.joins(:comments).pluck("", "", "comments.body")
    # After
    Post.joins(:comments).pluck(posts: [:id], comments: [:id, :body])


  • Raise an ActiveRecord::ActiveRecordError error when the MySQL database returns an invalid version string.

    Kevin McPhillips

  • ActiveRecord::Base.transaction now yields an ActiveRecord::Transaction object.

    This allows to register callbacks on it.

    Article.transaction do |transaction|
      article.update(published: true)
      transaction.after_commit do
        PublishNotificationMailer.with(article: article).deliver_later

    Jean Boussier

  • Add ActiveRecord::Base.current_transaction.

    Returns the current transaction, to allow registering callbacks on it.

    Article.current_transaction.after_commit do
      PublishNotificationMailer.with(article: article).deliver_later

    Jean Boussier

  • Add ActiveRecord.after_all_transactions_commit callback.

    Useful for code that may run either inside or outside a transaction and needs
    to perform work after the state changes have been properly persisted.

    def publish_article(article)
      article.update(published: true)
      ActiveRecord.after_all_transactions_commit do
        PublishNotificationMailer.with(article: article).deliver_later

    In the above example, the block is either executed immediately if called outside
    of a transaction, or called after the open transaction is committed.

    If the transaction is rolled back, the block isn't called.

    Jean Boussier

  • Add the ability to ignore counter cache columns until they are backfilled.

    Starting to use counter caches on existing large tables can be troublesome, because the column
    values must be backfilled separately of the column addition (to not lock the table for too long)
    and before the use of :counter_cache (otherwise methods like size/any?/etc, which use
    counter caches internally, can produce incorrect results). People usually use database triggers
    or callbacks on child associations while backfilling before introducing a counter cache
    configuration to the association.

    Now, to safely backfill the column, while keeping the column updated with child records added/removed, use:

    class Comment < ApplicationRecord
      belongs_to :post, counter_cache: { active: false }

    While the counter cache is not "active", the methods like size/any?/etc will not use it,
    but get the results directly from the database. After the counter cache column is backfilled, simply
    remove the { active: false } part from the counter cache definition, and it will now be used by the
    mentioned methods.


  • Retry known idempotent SELECT queries on connection-related exceptions.

    SELECT queries we construct by walking the Arel tree and / or with known model attributes
    are idempotent and can safely be retried in the case of a connection error. Previously,
    adapters such as TrilogyAdapter would raise ActiveRecord::ConnectionFailed: Trilogy::EOFError
    when encountering a connection error mid-request.

    Adrianna Chang

  • Allow association's foreign_key to be composite.

    query_constraints option was the only way to configure a composite foreign key by passing an Array.
    Now it's possible to pass an Array value as foreign_key to achieve the same behavior of an association.

    Nikita Vasilevsky

  • Allow association's primary_key to be composite.

    Association's primary_key can be composite when derived from associated model primary_key or query_constraints.
    Now it's possible to explicitly set it as composite on the association.

    Nikita Vasilevsky

  • Add config.active_record.permanent_connection_checkout setting.

    Controls whether ActiveRecord::Base.connection raises an error, emits a deprecation warning, or neither.

    ActiveRecord::Base.connection checkouts a database connection from the pool and keeps it leased until the end of
    the request or job. This behavior can be undesirable in environments that use many more threads or fibers than there
    is available connections.

    This configuration can be used to track down and eliminate code that calls ActiveRecord::Base.connection and
    migrate it to use ActiveRecord::Base.with_connection instead.

    The default behavior remains unchanged, and there is currently no plans to change the default.

    Jean Boussier

  • Add dirties option to uncached.

    This adds a dirties option to ActiveRecord::Base.uncached and

    When set to true (the default), writes will clear all query caches belonging to the current thread.
    When set to false, writes to the affected connection pool will not clear any query cache.

    This is needed by Solid Cache so that cache writes do not clear query caches.

    Donal McBreen

  • Deprecate ActiveRecord::Base.connection in favor of .lease_connection.

    The method has been renamed as lease_connection to better reflect that the returned
    connection will be held for the duration of the request or job.

    This deprecation is a soft deprecation, no warnings will be issued and there is no
    current plan to remove the method.

    Jean Boussier

  • Deprecate ActiveRecord::ConnectionAdapters::ConnectionPool#connection.

    The method has been renamed as lease_connection to better reflect that the returned
    connection will be held for the duration of the request or job.

    Jean Boussier

  • Expose a generic fixture accessor for fixture names that may conflict with Minitest.

    assert_equal "Ruby on Rails", web_sites(:rubyonrails).name
    assert_equal "Ruby on Rails", fixture(:web_sites, :rubyonrails).name

    Jean Boussier

  • Using Model.query_constraints with a single non-primary-key column used to raise as expected, but with an
    incorrect error message.

    This has been fixed to raise with a more appropriate error message.

    Joshua Young

  • Fix has_one association autosave setting the foreign key attribute when it is unchanged.

    This behavior is also inconsistent with autosaving belongs_to and can have unintended side effects like raising
    an ActiveRecord::ReadonlyAttributeError when the foreign key attribute is marked as read-only.

    Joshua Young

  • Remove deprecated behavior that would rollback a transaction block when exited using return, break or throw.

    Rafael Mendonça França

  • Deprecate Rails.application.config.active_record.commit_transaction_on_non_local_return.

    Rafael Mendonça França

  • Remove deprecated support to pass rewhere to ActiveRecord::Relation#merge.

    Rafael Mendonça França

  • Remove deprecated support to pass deferrable: true to add_foreign_key.

    Rafael Mendonça França

  • Remove deprecated support to quote ActiveSupport::Duration.

    Rafael Mendonça França

  • Remove deprecated #quote_bound_value.

    Rafael Mendonça França

  • Remove deprecated ActiveRecord::ConnectionAdapters::ConnectionPool#connection_klass.

    Rafael Mendonça França

  • Remove deprecated support to apply #connection_pool_list, #active_connections?, #clear_active_connections!,
    #clear_reloadable_connections!, #clear_all_connections! and #flush_idle_connections! to the connections pools
    for the current role when the role argument isn't provided.

    Rafael Mendonça França

  • Remove deprecated #all_connection_pools.

    Rafael Mendonça França

  • Remove deprecated ActiveRecord::ConnectionAdapters::SchemaCache#data_sources.

    Rafael Mendonça França

  • Remove deprecated ActiveRecord::ConnectionAdapters::SchemaCache.load_from.

    Rafael Mendonça França

  • Remove deprecated #all_foreign_keys_valid? from database adapters.

    Rafael Mendonça França

  • Remove deprecated support to passing coder and class as second argument to serialize.

    Rafael Mendonça França

  • Remove deprecated support to ActiveRecord::Base#read_attribute(:id) to return the custom primary key value.

    Rafael Mendonça França

  • Remove deprecated TestFixtures.fixture_path.

    Rafael Mendonça França

  • Remove deprecated behavior to support referring to a singular association by its plural name.

    Rafael Mendonça França

  • Deprecate Rails.application.config.active_record.allow_deprecated_singular_associations_name.

    Rafael Mendonça França

  • Remove deprecated support to passing SchemaMigration and InternalMetadata classes as arguments to

    Rafael Mendonça França

  • Remove deprecated ActiveRecord::Migration.check_pending method.

    Rafael Mendonça França

  • Remove deprecated ActiveRecord::LogSubscriber.runtime method.

    Rafael Mendonça França

  • Remove deprecated ActiveRecord::LogSubscriber.runtime= method.

    Rafael Mendonça França

  • Remove deprecated ActiveRecord::LogSubscriber.reset_runtime method.

    Rafael Mendonça França

  • Remove deprecated support to define explain in the connection adapter with 2 arguments.

    Rafael Mendonça França

  • Remove deprecated ActiveRecord::ActiveJobRequiredError.

    Rafael Mendonça França

  • Remove deprecated ActiveRecord::Base.clear_active_connections!.

    Rafael Mendonça França

  • Remove deprecated ActiveRecord::Base.clear_reloadable_connections!.

    Rafael Mendonça França

  • Remove deprecated ActiveRecord::Base.clear_all_connections!.

    Rafael Mendonça França

  • Remove deprecated ActiveRecord::Base.flush_idle_connections!.

    Rafael Mendonça França

  • Remove deprecated name argument from ActiveRecord::Base.remove_connection.

    Rafael Mendonça França

  • Remove deprecated support to call alias_attribute with non-existent attribute names.

    Rafael Mendonça França

  • Remove deprecated Rails.application.config.active_record.suppress_multiple_database_warning.

    Rafael Mendonça França

  • Add ActiveRecord::Encryption::MessagePackMessageSerializer.

    Serialize data to the MessagePack format, for efficient storage in binary columns.

    The binary encoding requires around 30% less space than the base64 encoding
    used by the default serializer.

    Donal McBreen

  • Add support for encrypting binary columns.

    Ensure encryption and decryption pass Type::Binary::Data around for binary data.

    Previously encrypting binary columns with the ActiveRecord::Encryption::MessageSerializer
    incidentally worked for MySQL and SQLite, but not PostgreSQL.

    Donal McBreen

  • Deprecated ENV["SCHEMA_CACHE"] in favor of schema_cache_path in the database configuration.

    Rafael Mendonça França

  • Add ActiveRecord::Base.with_connection as a shortcut for leasing a connection for a short duration.

    The leased connection is yielded, and for the duration of the block, any call to ActiveRecord::Base.connection
    will yield that same connection.

    This is useful to perform a few database operations without causing a connection to be leased for the
    entire duration of the request or job.

    Jean Boussier

  • Deprecate config.active_record.warn_on_records_fetched_greater_than now that sql.active_record
    notification includes :row_count field.

    Jason Nochlin

  • The fix ensures that the association is joined using the appropriate join type
    (either inner join or left outer join) based on the existing joins in the scope.

    This prevents unintentional overrides of existing join types and ensures consistency in the generated SQL queries.


    # `associated` will use `LEFT JOIN` instead of using `JOIN`

    Saleh Alhaddad

  • Fix an issue where ActiveRecord::Encryption configurations are not ready before the loading
    of Active Record models, when an application is eager loaded. As a result, encrypted attributes
    could be misconfigured in some cases.

    Maxime Réty

  • Deprecate defining an enum with keyword arguments.

    class Function > ApplicationRecord
      # BAD
      enum color: [:red, :blue],
           type: [:instance, :class]
      # GOOD
      enum :color, [:red, :blue]
      enum :type, [:instance, :class]

    Hartley McGuire

  • Add config.active_record.validate_migration_timestamps option for validating migration timestamps.

    When set, validates that the timestamp prefix for a migration is no more than a day ahead of
    the timestamp associated with the current time. This is designed to prevent migrations prefixes
    from being hand-edited to future timestamps, which impacts migration generation and other
    migration commands.

    Adrianna Chang

  • Properly synchronize Mysql2Adapter#active? and TrilogyAdapter#active?.

    As well as disconnect! and verify!.

    This generally isn't a big problem as connections must not be shared between
    threads, but is required when running transactional tests or system tests
    and could lead to a SEGV.

    Jean Boussier

  • Support :source_location tag option for query log tags.

    config.active_record.query_log_tags << :source_location

    Calculating the caller location is a costly operation and should be used primarily in development
    (note, there is also a config.active_record.verbose_query_logs that serves the same purpose)
    or occasionally on production for debugging purposes.


  • Add an option to ActiveRecord::Encryption::Encryptor to disable compression.

    Allow compression to be disabled by setting compress: false

      class User
        encrypts :name, encryptor: false)

    Donal McBreen

  • Deprecate passing strings to ActiveRecord::Tasks::DatabaseTasks.cache_dump_filename.

    A ActiveRecord::DatabaseConfigurations::DatabaseConfig object should be passed instead.

    Rafael Mendonça França

  • Add row_count field to sql.active_record notification.

    This field returns the amount of rows returned by the query that emitted the notification.

    This metric is useful in cases where one wants to detect queries with big result sets.

    Marvin Bitterlich

  • Consistently raise an ArgumentError when passing an invalid argument to a nested attributes association writer.

    Previously, this would only raise on collection associations and produce a generic error on singular associations.

    Now, it will raise on both collection and singular associations.

    Joshua Young

  • Fix single quote escapes on default generated MySQL columns.

    MySQL 5.7.5+ supports generated columns, which can be used to create a column that is computed from an expression.

    Previously, the schema dump would output a string with double escapes for generated columns with single quotes in the default expression.

    This would result in issues when importing the schema on a fresh instance of a MySQL database.

    Now, the string will not be escaped and will be valid Ruby upon importing of the schema.

    Yash Kapadia

  • Fix Migrations with versions older than 7.1 validating options given to
    add_reference and t.references.

    Hartley McGuire

  • Add <role>_types class method to ActiveRecord::DelegatedType so that the delegated types can be introspected.

    JP Rosevear

  • Make schema_dump, query_cache, replica and database_tasks configurable via DATABASE_URL.

    This wouldn't always work previously because boolean values would be interpreted as strings.

    e.g. DATABASE_URL=postgres://localhost/foo?schema_dump=false now properly disable dumping the schema

    Mike Coutermarsh, Jean Boussier

  • Introduce ActiveRecord::Transactions::ClassMethods#set_callback.

    It is identical to ActiveSupport::Callbacks::ClassMethods#set_callback
    but with support for after_commit and after_rollback callback options.

    Joshua Young

  • Make ActiveRecord::Encryption::Encryptor agnostic of the serialization format used for encrypted data.

    Previously, the encryptor instance only allowed an encrypted value serialized as a String to be passed to the message serializer.

    Now, the encryptor lets the configured message_serializer decide which types of serialized encrypted values are supported. A custom serialiser is therefore allowed to serialize ActiveRecord::Encryption::Message objects using a type other than String.

    The default ActiveRecord::Encryption::MessageSerializer already ensures that only String objects are passed for deserialization.

    Maxime Réty

  • Fix encrypted_attribute? to take into account context properties passed to encrypts.

    Maxime Réty

  • The object returned by explain now responds to pluck, first,
    last, average, count, maximum, minimum, and sum. Those
    new methods run EXPLAIN on the corresponding queries:

    # ...
    # EXPLAIN SELECT MAX(`users`.`id`) FROM `users`
    # ...

    Petrik de Heus

  • Fixes an issue where validates_associated :on option wasn't respected
    when validating associated records.

    Austen Madden, Alex Ghiculescu, Rafał Brize

  • Allow overriding SQLite defaults from database.yml.

    Any PRAGMA configuration set under the pragmas key in the configuration
    file takes precedence over Rails' defaults, and additional PRAGMAs can be
    set as well.

    database: storage/development.sqlite3
    timeout: 5000
      journal_mode: off
      temp_store: memory

    Stephen Margheim

  • Remove warning message when running SQLite in production, but leave it unconfigured.

    There are valid use cases for running SQLite in production. However, it must be done
    with care, so instead of a warning most users won't see anyway, it's preferable to
    leave the configuration commented out to force them to think about having the database
    on a persistent volume etc.

    Jacopo Beschi, Jean Boussier

  • Add support for generated columns to the SQLite3 adapter.

    Generated columns (both stored and dynamic) are supported since version 3.31.0 of SQLite.
    This adds support for those to the SQLite3 adapter.

    create_table :users do |t|
      t.string :name
      t.virtual :name_upper, type: :string, as: 'UPPER(name)'
      t.virtual :name_lower, type: :string, as: 'LOWER(name)', stored: true

    Stephen Margheim

  • TrilogyAdapter: ignore host if socket parameter is set.

    This allows to configure a connection on a UNIX socket via DATABASE_URL:


    Jean Boussier

  • Make assert_queries_count, assert_no_queries, assert_queries_match, and
    assert_no_queries_match assertions public.

    To assert the expected number of queries are made, Rails internally uses assert_queries_count and
    assert_no_queries. To assert that specific SQL queries are made, assert_queries_match and
    assert_no_queries_match are used. These assertions can now be used in applications as well.

    class ArticleTest < ActiveSupport::TestCase
      test "queries are made" do
        assert_queries_count(1) { Article.first }
      test "creates a foreign key" do
        assert_queries_match(/ADD FOREIGN KEY/i, include_schema: true) do
          @connection.add_foreign_key(:comments, :posts)

    Petrik de Heus, fatkodima

  • Fix has_secure_token calls the setter method on initialize.

    Abeid Ahmed

  • When using a DATABASE_URL, allow for a configuration to map the protocol in the URL to a specific database
    adapter. This allows decoupling the adapter the application chooses to use from the database connection details
    set in the deployment environment.

    # ENV['DATABASE_URL'] = "mysql://localhost/example_database"
    config.active_record.protocol_adapters.mysql = "trilogy"
    # will connect to MySQL using the trilogy adapter

    Jean Boussier, Kevin McPhillips

  • In cases where MySQL returns warning_count greater than zero, but returns no warnings when
    the SHOW WARNINGS query is executed, ActiveRecord.db_warnings_action proc will still be
    called with a generic warning message rather than silently ignoring the warning(s).

    Kevin McPhillips

  • DatabaseConfigurations#configs_for accepts a symbol in the name parameter.

    Andrew Novoselac

  • Fix where(field: values) queries when field is a serialized attribute
    (for example, when field uses ActiveRecord::Base.serialize or is a JSON

    João Alves

  • Make the output of ActiveRecord::Core#inspect configurable.

    By default, calling inspect on a record will yield a formatted string including just the id.

    Post.first.inspect #=> "#<Post id: 1>"

    The attributes to be included in the output of inspect can be configured with

    Post.attributes_for_inspect = [:id, :title]
    Post.first.inspect #=> "#<Post id: 1, title: "Hello, World!">"

    With attributes_for_inspect set to :all, inspect will list all the record's attributes.

    Post.attributes_for_inspect = :all
    Post.first.inspect #=> "#<Post id: 1, title: "Hello, World!", published_at: "2023-10-23 14:28:11 +0000">"

    In development and test mode, attributes_for_inspect will be set to :all by default.

    You can also call full_inspect to get an inspection with all the attributes.

    The attributes in attribute_for_inspect will also be used for pretty_print.

    Andrew Novoselac

  • Don't mark attributes as changed when reassigned to Float::INFINITY or

    Maicol Bentancor

  • Support the RETURNING clause for MariaDB.

    fatkodima, Nikolay Kondratyev

  • The SQLite3 adapter now implements the supports_deferrable_constraints? contract.

    Allows foreign keys to be deferred by adding the :deferrable key to the foreign_key options.

    add_reference :person, :alias, foreign_key: { deferrable: :deferred }
    add_reference :alias, :person, foreign_key: { deferrable: :deferred }

    Stephen Margheim

  • Add the set_constraints helper to PostgreSQL connections.

    Post.create!(user_id: -1) # => ActiveRecord::InvalidForeignKey
    Post.transaction do
      p = Post.create!(user_id: -1)
      u = User.create!
      p.user = u!

    Cody Cutrer

  • Include ActiveModel::API in ActiveRecord::Base.

    Sean Doyle

  • Ensure #signed_id outputs url_safe strings.

    Jason Meller

  • Add nulls_last and working desc.nulls_first for MySQL.

    Tristan Fellows

  • Allow for more complex hash arguments for order which mimics where in ActiveRecord::Relation.

    Topic.includes(:posts).order(posts: { created_at: :desc })

    Myles Boone

Action View

  • Add queries count to template rendering instrumentation.

    # Before
    Completed 200 OK in 3804ms (Views: 41.0ms | ActiveRecord: 33.5ms | Allocations: 112788)
    # After
    Completed 200 OK in 3804ms (Views: 41.0ms | ActiveRecord: 33.5ms (2 queries, 1 cached) | Allocations: 112788)


  • Raise ArgumentError if :renderable object does not respond to #render_in.

    Sean Doyle

  • Add the nonce: true option for stylesheet_link_tag helper to support automatic nonce generation for Content Security Policy.

    Works the same way as javascript_include_tag nonce: true does.

    Akhil G Krishnan, AJ Esler

  • Parse ActionView::TestCase#rendered HTML content as Nokogiri::XML::DocumentFragment instead of Nokogiri::XML::Document.

    Sean Doyle

  • Rename ActionView::TestCase::Behavior::Content to ActionView::TestCase::Behavior::RenderedViewContent.

    Make RenderedViewContent inherit from String. Make private API with :nodoc:

    Sean Doyle

  • Deprecate passing nil as value for the model: argument to the form_with method.

    Collin Jilbert

  • Alias field_set_tag helper to fieldset_tag to match <fieldset> element.

    Sean Doyle

  • Deprecate passing content to void elements when using type tag builders.

    Hartley McGuire

  • Fix the number_to_human_size view helper to correctly work with negative numbers.


  • Automatically discard the implicit locals injected by collection rendering for template that can't accept them.

    When rendering a collection, two implicit variables are injected, which breaks templates with strict locals.

    Now they are only passed if the template will actually accept them.

    Yasha Krasnou, Jean Boussier

  • Fix @rails/ujs calling start() an extra time when using bundlers.

    Hartley McGuire, Ryunosuke Sato

  • Fix the capture view helper compatibility with HAML and Slim.

    When a blank string was captured in HAML or Slim (and possibly other template engines)
    it would instead return the entire buffer.

    Jean Boussier

  • Updated @rails/ujs files to ignore certain data-* attributes when element is contenteditable.

    This fix was already landed in >=, < 7.1.0.

    Ryunosuke Sato

  • Added validation for HTML tag names in the tag and content_tag helper method.

    The tag and content_tag method now checks that the provided tag name adheres to the HTML
    specification. If an invalid HTML tag name is provided, the method raises an ArgumentError
    with an appropriate error message.


    # Raises ArgumentError: Invalid HTML5 tag name: 12p
    content_tag("12p") # Starting with a number
    # Raises ArgumentError: Invalid HTML5 tag name: ""
    content_tag("") # Empty tag name
    # Raises ArgumentError: Invalid HTML5 tag name: div/
    tag("div/") # Contains a solidus
    # Raises ArgumentError: Invalid HTML5 tag name: "image file"
    tag("image file") # Contains a space

    Akhil G Krishnan

Action Pack

  • Fix Mime::Type.parse handling type parameters for HTTP Accept headers.

    Taylor Chaparro

  • Fix the error page that is displayed when a view template is missing to account for nested controller paths in the
    suggested correct location for the missing template.

    Joshua Young

  • Add save_and_open_page helper to IntegrationTest.

    save_and_open_page is a helpful helper to keep a short feedback loop when working on system tests.
    A similar helper with matching signature has been added to integration tests.

    Joé Dupuis

  • Fix a regression in 7.1.3 passing a to: option without a controller when the controller is already defined by a scope.

    Rails.application.routes.draw do
      controller :home do
        get "recent", to: "recent_posts"

    Étienne Barrié

  • Request Forgery takes relative paths into account.

    Stefan Wienert

  • Add ".test" as a default allowed host in development to ensure smooth golden-path setup with


  • Add allow_browser to set minimum browser versions for the application.

    A browser that's blocked will by default be served the file in public/406-unsupported-browser.html with a HTTP status code of "406 Not Acceptable".

    class ApplicationController < ActionController::Base
      # Allow only browsers natively supporting webp images, web push, badges, import maps, CSS nesting + :has
      allow_browser versions: :modern
    class ApplicationController < ActionController::Base
      # All versions of Chrome and Opera will be allowed, but no versions of "internet explorer" (ie). Safari needs to be 16.4+ and Firefox 121+.
      allow_browser versions: { safari: 16.4, firefox: 121, ie: false }
    class MessagesController < ApplicationController
      # In addition to the browsers blocked by ApplicationController, also block Opera below 104 and Chrome below 119 for the show action.
      allow_browser versions: { opera: 104, chrome: 119 }, only: :show


  • Add rate limiting API.

    class SessionsController < ApplicationController
      rate_limit to: 10, within: 3.minutes, only: :create
    class SignupsController < ApplicationController
      rate_limit to: 1000, within: 10.seconds,
        by: -> { request.domain }, with: -> { redirect_to busy_controller_url, alert: "Too many signups!" }, only: :new

    DHH, Jean Boussier

  • Add image/svg+xml to the compressible content types of ActionDispatch::Static.

    Georg Ledermann

  • Add instrumentation for ActionController::Live#send_stream.

    Allows subscribing to send_stream events. The event payload contains the filename, disposition, and type.

    Hannah Ramadan

  • Add support for with_routing test helper in ActionDispatch::IntegrationTest.

    Gannon McGibbon

  • Remove deprecated support to set Rails.application.config.action_dispatch.show_exceptions to true and false.

    Rafael Mendonça França

  • Remove deprecated speaker, vibrate, and vr permissions policy directives.

    Rafael Mendonça França

  • Remove deprecated Rails.application.config.action_dispatch.return_only_request_media_type_on_content_type.

    Rafael Mendonça França

  • Deprecate Rails.application.config.action_controller.allow_deprecated_parameters_hash_equality.

    Rafael Mendonça França

  • Remove deprecated comparison between ActionController::Parameters and Hash.

    Rafael Mendonça França

  • Remove deprecated constant AbstractController::Helpers::MissingHelperError.

    Rafael Mendonça França

  • Fix a race condition that could cause a Text file busy - chromedriver
    error with parallel system tests.

    Matt Brictson

  • Add racc as a dependency since it will become a bundled gem in Ruby 3.4.0

    Hartley McGuire

  • Remove deprecated constant ActionDispatch::IllegalStateError.

    Rafael Mendonça França

  • Add parameter filter capability for redirect locations.

    It uses the config.filter_parameters to match what needs to be filtered.
    The result would be like this:

    Redirected to[FILTERED]

    Fixes #14055.

    Roque Pinel, Trevor Turk, tonytonyjan

Active Job

  • All tests now respect the active_job.queue_adapter config.

    Previously if you had set config.active_job.queue_adapter in your config/application.rb
    or config/environments/test.rb file, the adapter you selected was previously not used consistently
    across all tests. In some tests your adapter would be used, but other tests would use the TestAdapter.

    In Rails 7.2, all tests will respect the queue_adapter config if provided. If no config is provided,
    the TestAdapter will continue to be used.

    See #48585 for more details.

    Alex Ghiculescu

  • Make Active Job transaction aware when used conjointly with Active Record.

    A common mistake with Active Job is to enqueue jobs from inside a transaction,
    causing them to potentially be picked and ran by another process, before the
    transaction is committed, which may result in various errors.

    Topic.transaction do
      topic = Topic.create(...)

    Now Active Job will automatically defer the enqueuing to after the transaction is committed,
    and drop the job if the transaction is rolled back.

    Various queue implementations can choose to disable this behavior, and users can disable it,
    or force it on a per job basis:

    class NewTopicNotificationJob < ApplicationJob
      self.enqueue_after_transaction_commit = :never # or `:always` or `:default`

    Jean Boussier, Cristian Bica

  • Do not trigger immediate loading of ActiveJob::Base when loading ActiveJob::TestHelper.

    Maxime Réty

  • Preserve the serialized timezone when deserializing ActiveSupport::TimeWithZone arguments.

    Joshua Young

  • Remove deprecated :exponentially_longer value for the :wait in retry_on.

    Rafael Mendonça França

  • Remove deprecated support to set numeric values to scheduled_at attribute.

    Rafael Mendonça França

  • Deprecate Rails.application.config.active_job.use_big_decimal_serialize.

    Rafael Mendonça França

  • Remove deprecated primitive serializer for BigDecimal arguments.

    Rafael Mendonça França

Action Mailer

  • Remove deprecated params via :args for assert_enqueued_email_with.

    Rafael Mendonça França

  • Remove deprecated config.action_mailer.preview_path.

    Rafael Mendonça França

Action Cable

  • Record ping on every Action Cable message.

    Previously only ping and welcome message types were keeping the connection active.
    Now every Action Cable message updates the pingedAt value, preventing the connection
    from being marked as stale.


  • Add two new assertion methods for Action Cable test cases: assert_has_no_stream
    and assert_has_no_stream_for.

    These methods can be used to assert that a stream has been stopped, e.g. via
    stop_stream or stop_stream_for. They complement the already existing
    assert_has_stream and assert_has_stream_for methods.

    assert_has_no_stream "messages"
    assert_has_no_stream_for User.find(42)

    Sebastian Pöll, Junichi Sato

Active Storage

  • Remove deprecated config.active_storage.silence_invalid_content_types_warning.

    Rafael Mendonça França

  • Remove deprecated config.active_storage.replace_on_assign_to_many.

    Rafael Mendonça França

  • Add support for custom key in ActiveStorage::Blob#compose.

    Elvin Efendiev

  • Add image/webp to config.active_storage.web_image_content_types when load_defaults "7.2"
    is set.

    Lewis Buckley

  • Fix JSON-encoding of ActiveStorage::Filename instances.

    Jonathan del Strother

  • Fix N+1 query when fetching preview images for non-image assets.

    Aaron Patterson & Justin Searls

  • Fix all Active Storage database related models to respect
    ActiveRecord::Base.table_name_prefix configuration.

    Chedli Bourguiba

  • Fix ActiveStorage::Representations::ProxyController not returning the proper
    preview image variant for previewable files.

    Chedli Bourguiba

  • Fix ActiveStorage::Representations::ProxyController to proxy untracked

    Chedli Bourguiba

  • When using the preprocessed: true option, avoid enqueuing transform jobs
    for blobs that are not representable.

    Chedli Bourguiba

  • Prevent ActiveStorage::Blob#preview to generate a variant if an empty variation is passed.

    Calls to #url, #key or #download will now use the original preview
    image instead of generating a variant with the exact same dimensions.

    Chedli Bourguiba

  • Process preview image variant when calling ActiveStorage::Preview#processed.

    For example, attached_pdf.preview(:thumb).processed will now immediately
    generate the full-sized preview image and the :thumb variant of it.
    Previously, the :thumb variant would not be generated until a further call
    to e.g. processed.url.

    Chedli Bourguiba and Jonathan Hefner

  • Prevent ActiveRecord::StrictLoadingViolationError when strict loading is
    enabled and the variant of an Active Storage preview has already been
    processed (for example, by calling ActiveStorage::Preview#url).

    Jonathan Hefner

  • Fix preprocessed: true option for named variants of previewable files.

    Nico Wenterodt

  • Allow accepting service as a proc as well in has_one_attached and has_many_attached.

    Yogesh Khater

Action Mailbox

  • Fix all Action Mailbox database related models to respect
    ActiveRecord::Base.table_name_prefix configuration.

    Chedli Bourguiba

Action Text

  • Use includes instead of eager_load for with_all_rich_text.

    Petrik de Heus

  • Delegate ActionText::Content#deconstruct to Nokogiri::XML::DocumentFragment#elements.

    content = <<~HTML
      <h1>Hello, world</h1>
      <div>The body</div>
    content => [h1, div]
    assert_pattern { h1 => { content: "Hello, world" } }
    assert_pattern { div => { content: "The body" } }

    Sean Doyle

  • Fix all Action Text database related models to respect
    ActiveRecord::Base.table_name_prefix configuration.

    Chedli Bourguiba

  • Compile ESM package that can be used directly in the browser as actiontext.esm.js

    Matias Grunberg

  • Fix using actiontext.js with Sprockets.

    Matias Grunberg

  • Upgrade Trix to 2.0.7

    Hartley McGuire

  • Fix using Trix with Sprockets.

    Hartley McGuire


  • Create a Dev Container Generator that generates a Dev Container setup based on the current configuration
    of the application. Usage:

    bin/rails devcontainer

    Andrew Novoselac

  • Add Rubocop and GitHub Actions to plugin generator.
    This can be skipped using --skip-rubocop and --skip-ci.

    Chris Oliver

  • Remove support for oracle, sqlserver and JRuby specific database adapters from the
    rails new and rails db:system:change commands.

    The supported options are sqlite3, mysql, postgresql and trilogy.

    Andrew Novoselac

  • Add options to bin/rails app:update.

    bin/rails app:update now supports the same generic options that generators do:

    • --force: Accept all changes to existing files
    • --skip: Refuse all changes to existing files
    • --pretend: Don't make any changes
    • --quiet: Don't output all changes made

    Étienne Barrié

  • Implement Rails console commands and helpers with IRB v1.13's extension APIs.

    Rails console users will now see helper, controller, new_session, and app under
    IRB help message's Helper methods category. And reload! command will be displayed under
    the new Rails console commands category.

    Prior to this change, Rails console's commands and helper methods are added through IRB's
    private components and don't show up in its help message, which led to poor discoverability.

    Stan Lo

  • Remove deprecated Rails::Generators::Testing::Behaviour.

    Rafael Mendonça França

  • Remove deprecated find_cmd_and_exec console helper.

    Rafael Mendonça França

  • Remove deprecated Rails.config.enable_dependency_loading.

    Rafael Mendonça França

  • Remove deprecated Rails.application.secrets.

    Rafael Mendonça França

  • Generated Gemfile will include require: "debug/prelude" for the debug gem.

    Requiring debug gem directly automatically activates it, which could introduce
    additional overhead and memory usage even without entering a debugging session.

    By making Bundler require debug/prelude instead, developers can keep their access
    to breakpoint methods like debugger or binding.break, but the debugger won't be
    activated until a breakpoint is hit.

    Stan Lo

  • Skip generating a test job in ci.yml when a new application is generated with the
    --skip-test option.

    Steve Polito

  • Update the .node-version file conditionally generated for new applications to 20.11.1

    Steve Polito

  • Fix sanitizer vendor configuration in 7.1 defaults.

    In apps where rails-html-sanitizer was not eagerly loaded, the sanitizer default could end up
    being Rails::HTML4::Sanitizer when it should be set to Rails::HTML5::Sanitizer.

    Mike Dalessio, Rafael Mendonça França

  • Set action_mailer.default_url_options values in development and test.

    Prior to this commit, new Rails applications would raise ActionView::Template::Error
    if a mailer included a url built with a *_path helper.

    Steve Polito

  • Introduce Rails::Generators::Testing::Assertions#assert_initializer.

    Compliments the existing initializer generator action.

    assert_initializer "mail_interceptors.rb"

    Steve Polito

  • Generate a .devcontainer folder and its contents when creating a new app.

    The .devcontainer folder includes everything needed to boot the app and do development in a remote container.

    The container setup includes:

    • A redis container for Kredis, ActionCable etc.
    • A database (SQLite, Postgres, MySQL or MariaDB)
    • A Headless chrome container for system tests
    • Active Storage configured to use the local disk and with preview features working

    If any of these options are skipped in the app setup they will not be included in the container configuration.

    These files can be skipped using the --skip-devcontainer option.

    Andrew Novoselac & Rafael Mendonça França

  • Introduce SystemTestCase#served_by for configuring the System Test application server.

    By default this is localhost. This method allows the host and port to be specified manually.

    class ApplicationSystemTestCase < ActionDispatch::SystemTestCase
      served_by host: "testserver", port: 45678

    Andrew Novoselac & Rafael Mendonça França

  • bin/rails test will no longer load files named *_test.rb if they are located in the fixtures folder.

    Edouard Chin

  • Ensure logger tags configured with config.log_tags are still active in request.action_dispatch handlers.

    KJ Tsanaktsidis

  • Setup jemalloc in the default Dockerfile for memory optimization.

    Matt Almeida, Jean Boussier

  • Commented out lines in .railsrc file should not be treated as arguments when using
    rails new generator command. Update ARGVScrubber to ignore text after # symbols.

    Willian Tenfen

  • Skip CSS when generating APIs.

    Ruy Rocha

  • Rails console now indicates application name and the current Rails environment:

    my-app(dev)> # for RAILS_ENV=development
    my-app(test)> # for RAILS_ENV=test
    my-app(prod)> # for RAILS_ENV=production
    my-app(my_env)> # for RAILS_ENV=my_env

    The application name is derived from the application's module name from config/application.rb.
    For example, MyApp will displayed as my-app in the prompt.

    Additionally, the environment name will be colorized when the environment is
    development (blue), test (blue), or production (red), if your
    terminal supports it.

    Stan Lo

  • Ensure autoload_paths, autoload_once_paths, eager_load_paths, and
    load_paths only have directories when initialized from engine defaults.

    Previously, files under the app directory could end up there too.

    Takumasa Ochi

  • Prevent unnecessary application reloads in development.

    Previously, some files outside autoload paths triggered unnecessary reloads.
    With this fix, application reloads according to Rails.autoloaders.main.dirs,
    thereby preventing unnecessary reloads.

    Takumasa Ochi

  • Use oven-sh/setup-bun in GitHub CI when generating an app with Bun.


  • Disable pidfile generation in the production environment.

    Hans Schnedlitz

  • Set config.action_view.annotate_rendered_view_with_filenames to true in
    the development environment.

    Adrian Marin

  • Support the BACKTRACE environment variable to turn off backtrace cleaning.

    Useful for debugging framework code:

    BACKTRACE=1 bin/rails server

    Alex Ghiculescu

  • Raise ArgumentError when reading config.x.something with arguments:

    config.x.this_works.this_raises true # raises ArgumentError

    Sean Doyle

  • Add default PWA files for manifest and service-worker that are served from app/views/pwa and can be dynamically rendered through ERB. Mount these files explicitly at the root with default routes in the generated routes file.


  • Updated system tests to now use headless Chrome by default for the new applications.


  • Add GitHub CI files for Dependabot, Brakeman, RuboCop, and running tests by default. Can be skipped with --skip-ci.


  • Add Brakeman by default for static analysis of security vulnerabilities. Allow skipping with --skip-brakeman option.


  • Add RuboCop with rules from rubocop-rails-omakase by default. Skip with --skip-rubocop.

    DHH and zzak

  • Use bin/rails runner --skip-executor to not wrap the runner script with an

    Ben Sheldon

  • Fix isolated engines to take ActiveRecord::Base.table_name_prefix into consideration.

    This will allow for engine defined models, such as inside Active Storage, to respect
    Active Record table name prefix configuration.

    Chedli Bourguiba

  • Fix running db:system:change when the app has no Dockerfile.

    Hartley McGuire

  • In Action Mailer previews, list inline attachments separately from normal

    For example, attachments that were previously listed like

    Attachments: logo.png file1.pdf file2.pdf

    will now be listed like

    Attachments: file1.pdf file2.pdf (Inline: logo.png)

    Christian Schmidt and Jonathan Hefner

  • In mailer preview, only show SMTP-To if it differs from the union of To, Cc and Bcc.

    Christian Schmidt

  • Enable YJIT by default on new applications running Ruby 3.3+.

    Adds a config/initializers/enable_yjit.rb initializer that enables YJIT
    when running on Ruby 3.3+.

    Jean Boussier

  • In Action Mailer previews, show date from message Date header if present.

    Sampat Badhe

  • Exit with non-zero status when the migration generator fails.

    Katsuhiko YOSHIDA

  • Use numeric UID and GID in Dockerfile template.

    The Dockerfile generated by rails new sets the default user and group
    by name instead of UID:GID. This can cause the following error in Kubernetes:

    container has runAsNonRoot and image has non-numeric user (rails), cannot verify user is non-root

    This change sets default user and group by their numeric values.

    Ivan Fedotov

  • Disallow invalid values for rails new options.

    The --database, --asset-pipeline, --css, and --javascript options
    for rails new take different arguments. This change validates them.

    Tony Drake, Akhil G Krishnan, Petrik de Heus

  • Conditionally print $stdout when invoking run_generator.

    In an effort to improve the developer experience when debugging
    generator tests, we add the ability to conditionally print $stdout
    instead of capturing it.

    This allows for calls to binding.irb and puts work as expected.

    RAILS_LOG_TO_STDOUT=true ./bin/test test/generators/actions_test.rb

    Steve Polito

  • Remove the option config.public_file_server.enabled from the generators
    for all environments, as the value is the same in all environments.

    Adrian Hirt

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