freedesktop-gitlab pipewire/wireplumber 0.4.82

latest releases: 0.5.4, 0.5.3, 0.5.2...
4 months ago

This is a second pre-release of WirePlumber 0.5.0, made available for testing
purposes. This is not API/ABI stable yet and there is still pending work to do
before the final 0.5.0 release, both in the codebase and the documentation.


  • Bluetooth auto-switching is now implemented with a virtual source node. When
    an application links to it, the actual device switches to the HSP/HFP
    profile to provide the real audio stream. This is a more robust solution
    that works with more applications and is more user-friendly than the
    previous application whitelist approach
  • Added support for dynamic log level changes via the PipeWire settings
    metadata. Also added support for log level patterns in the configuration
  • The "persistent" (i.e. stored) settings approach has changed to use two
    different metadata objects: sm-settings and persistent-sm-settings.
    Changes in the former are applied in the current session but not stored,
    while changes in the latter are stored and restored at startup. Some work
    was also done to expose a wpctl interface to read and change these
    settings, but more is underway
  • Several WirePlumber-specific node properties that used to be called
    target.* have been renamed to node.* to match the PipeWire
    convention of node.dont-reconnect. These are also now fully documented

Other changes:

  • Many documentation updates
  • Added support for SNAP container permissions
  • Fixed multiple issues related to restoring the Route parameter of devices,
    which includes volume state (#551)
  • Smart filters can now be targetted by specific streams directly when
    the property is set (#554)
  • Ported the mechanism to override device profile priorities in the
    configuration, which is used to re-prioritize Bluetooth codecs
  • WpSettings is no longer a singleton class and there is a built-in component
    to preload an instance of it

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