cpan autodie 1.99

latest releases: 2.37, 2.36, 2.35...
15 years ago
  • RELEASE CODENAME: "jarich", in thanks for her giving
    up pretty much a whole week of her life to do nothing
    but help me work on my talks for OSCON.

  • BUGFIX: autodie will now check open() for returning
    undef, not merely false, as open() can legimiately
    return zero for open(my $fh, '-|') || exec(...) style

  • TEST: Added t/lethal.t, a test for basic subclassing.

  • TEST: Added t/usersub.t, a test for correct handling
    of user subroutines.

  • DOCUMENTATION: Noted in that user subs can
    only be made Fatal/autodying if they've been declared

  • FEATURE: Conflicts between 'no autodie' and 'use Fatal'

  • FEATURE: Added sysopen() and fcntl() to :file, and
    exec() and system to :system. exec() doesn't yet work
    due to its prototype;

  • FEATURE: Vanilla 'use autodie' now implies
    'use autodie qw(:default)'. This excludes system(),
    which depends upon an optional module, and exec(),
    which breaks its exotic form.

  • TEST: Internal tests moved from Fatal.t to

  • FEATURE: Added support for fileno.

  • FEATURE: Addded support for exec (although this
    breaks the exotic form while autodie is in scope).

  • BUGFIX: 'no autodie' now plays nicely with user subs.

  • DOCUMENTATION: Added a brief mention of the category
    system that autodie provides.

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