cpan Workflow 1.54

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3 years ago

1.54 2021-04-25 Minor feature release, update not required

  • The existing private API: Workflow->_get_action() has been made public as: get_action() via PR #56 by @ehuelsmann addressing issue #54, a private version is still available as _get_action() ensuring backwards compatibility. The change should improve and ease implementations where actions are consumed

  • The existing methods: fields(), optional_fields() and required_fields have all been made public PR #57 by @ehuelsmann addressing issue #55 these methods provide information a UI or other consumer of the workflow could use for user interaction as for issue #54 and PR: #56 mentioned above

  • The implementation of caching for evaluation of nested has been revisted and improved via PR #90 by @ehuelsmann

  • A minor issue has been corrected in the documentation was corrected via PR #111 by @ehuelsmann, it seems some design ideas had snuck into the documentation a long time ago, without ever being implemented

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