cpan WWW-Mechanize 1.20

latest releases: 2.19, 2.18, 2.17...
18 years ago


  • Added new two-argument form of credentials() method.
    $mech->credentials($username, $password);
    That provides simpler visiting of password-protected
    resources in the vast majority of cases and still
    allows the other cases to be supported. (Peter Scott)


  • autocheck no longer is triggered when informational
    responses are returned. (Mark Stosberg)


  • test suite no longer fails when Test::Warn is missing.
    (CPAN testers, Mark Stosberg)
  • Removed all the testing against live sites. The networking
    code is not actually in Mech anway, and they were prone to
    breaking, as the live sites changed. (Mark Stosberg)

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