cpan WWW-Mechanize 0.45

latest releases: 2.19, 2.18, 2.17...
21 years ago

  • Added response() method, which is identical to res().
  • Added a convenience method success(), which is just a wrapper
    around $agent->res->is_success().
  • Passes along a Referer: header. It can still be overridden
    with the %Headers hash, though. Thanks, Corion.
  • We now have a set of localized tests that run for machines that
    aren't connected to the Net. There's now a t/lib/ directory for
    those helper files, and the previous has been dropped.
    Again, Corion to the rescue.


  • Added to the FAQ
  • Rearranged all the functions in the file so they are now
    logically grouped.

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