cpan Type-Tiny 1.012001

latest releases: 2.007_002, 2.007_001, 2.007_000...
3 years ago

[ Test Suite ]

  • Extra test cases to improve coverage. (100% on Coveralls; 90% on
  • Hide warnings in Kavorka integration tests.

[ Packaging ]

  • Move issue tracker from RT to Github Issues.
  • Stop hiding Type::Parser::Token, Type::Parser::TokenStream, and
    Type::Parser::AstBuilder from the CPAN indexer.

[ Other ]

  • Much code tidying using perltidy and manually.
  • When generic validation objects (blessed objects with a check method)
    are converted to native Type::Tiny type constraints, no longer require
    them to provide a get_message method. This allows Type::Tiny to adopt
    Data::Constraint type constraints.

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