cpan Type-Tiny 1.007_001

latest releases: 2.006000, 2.005_002, 2.005_001...
pre-release4 years ago

[ Bug Fixes ]

  • ClassName/RoleName no longer accepts a glob.
  • Fix the 'my variable $base masks earlier declaration' warning caused by
  • The Tied type no longer assumes that any reference which isn't a HASH
    or ARRAY must be a SCALAR.

[ Documentation ]

  • Add a huge amount of tests for the built-in type constraints, intended
    as documentation as well as tests.
  • Complete rewrite of the Type::Tiny manual.

[ Other ]

  • Added: The extends function is now able to extend Specio::Exporter
  • Added: Type::Params now has wrap_subs and wrap_methods functions.
  • Returning a list of strings from an inlining coderef is now officially
    supported and no longer experimental.
  • Type::Tiny::XS integration is now officially supported and no longer

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