cpan Type-Tiny 1.007_000

latest releases: 2.007_002, 2.007_001, 2.007_000...
pre-release5 years ago

[ Bug Fixes ]

[ Test Suite ]

  • Add a test that Specio type constraints can be converted to Type::Tiny
    types, and inlining works.
  • Bundle some tests for Types::ReadOnly because it does interesting stuff
    with coercions and parameterizable types.
  • Bundle test from RT#104154, which turned out to not be a bug.
  • More tests for extending MooseX::Types libraries.

[ Packaging ]

  • Dropped the TODO file from the repo and distribution because it was
    mostly out of date. Use RT instead.

[ Other ]

  • Added: Many type constraints now support stringifies_to,
    numifies_to, and with_attribute_values methods. Type::Tiny 1.006000
    accidentally included an undocumented early implementation of these with
    some differences.
  • Added: Provide a control over whether types are allowed to make
    callbacks in inlined code.
  • Added: Type::Tiny::ConstrainedObject exists as a superclass for
    Type::Tiny::Class, Type::Tiny::Role, and Type::Tiny::Duck.
  • Added: When Types::TypesTiny::to_TypeTiny converts a Moose/Mouse type to
    a Type::Tiny type, the returned type will now be parameterizable if they
    original type was parameterizable.
  • Added: When importing type constraints from non-Moose/non-Mouse blessed
    type constraint systems (Specio, Types::Nano, others?), support
  • Smarter caching and reuse of parameterized types.

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