[ Documentation ]
- Link from Test::TypeTiny to Test::Deep::Type.
[ Other ]
- Allow a Type::Tiny object to "freeze" its coercions. This prevents a
Type::Tiny object from becoming out of sync with its equivalent Mouse or
Moose constraint objects.
- Allow subtypes to inherit coercions from their parent type constraint.
(They do not by default.)
- Build coercions automatically for certain type parameterized
constraints. Say there's a Num->Int coercion defined; then we should be
able to coerce ArrayRef[Num]->ArrayRef[Int].
- Overload "+" operator for Type::Coercion and Type::Tiny allows coercions
to be added to each other, and added to type constraints.
- Type::Library packages can now include "standalone" Type::Coercion
objects, not attached to a type constraint. These can be exported on