- Ron Savage is now co-maint.
- Patch Tree::Fast's value() to accept a defained value so the node's value can be set with
$n -> value($new_value).
- Patch Tree::Fast's meta() to accept a hashref so metadata can be set with $n -> meta({key => value}),
as well as by directly accessing the internal hashref '_meta'.
- Patch t/Tree/001_root_node.t to test the above.
- Rename Changes to CHANGES.
- Use ini.report.pl (shipped with Module::Metadata::Changes) to add Changelog.ini to the distro.
- Reformat the dates in this file.
- Change lib/Tree/Fast.pm to Unix line endings.
- Clean up the POD.
- Re-work Makefile.PL rather than have Build.PL generate it.
- Update pre-reqs in Build.PL and Makefile.PL.
- Move t/tests.pm to t/lib/Tests.pm.