cpan Test-TCP 2.16

latest releases: 2.232012, 0.1.11, 0.5...
8 years ago

commit 3ae73a349f70f06c60de3f635916929bc8643429
Author: Alex Vandiver
Date: Tue Apr 12 00:33:21 2016 -0700

Ensure that IO::Socket::IP is DESTROY'd before can_bind returns

be316f1f worked around a core perl bug[1] which causes Perl < 5.24.0
to DESTROY the IO::Socket::IP object too late, causing the empty port
to not actually be empty if it was used immediately.

Unfortunately, this change was lost in ba745fd1, which again put the
return of `can_bind` on the stack along with the actual return value,
re-instating the bug.

Split the statement across two statements again, and add a comment on
the importance of preserving it.


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