- Test::Builder now has a create() method which allows you to create
a brand spanking new Test::Builder object.
- require_ok() was not working for single letter module names.
- isdeeply() and eq* now work with circular scalar references
(Thanks Fergal)
- Use of eq_* now officially discouraged.
- Removed eq_* from the SYNOPSIS.
- is_deeply(undef, $not_undef); now works. [rt.cpan.org 9441]
- is_deeply() was mistakenly interpeting the same reference used twice
in a data structure as being circular causing failures.
[rt.cpan.org 11623]
- Loading Test::Builder but not using it would interfere with the
exit code if the code exited. [rt.cpan.org 12310]
- is_deeply() diagnostics now disambiguate between stringified references
and references. [rt.cpan.org 8865]
- Files opened by the output methods are now autoflushed.
- todo() now honors $Level when looking for $TODO.