- Second build with DistZilla, now with distzilla branch merged into master.
- commit db99a00: Dave Rolsky: Fix broken use of =cut
- commit 505232b: Dave Rolsky: Changed indentation of commit 0d78dbe
- commit f042929: Dave Rolsky: Check for content_type not being json
- commit 0e7ad05: Dave Rolsky: Include error message from
server when we can't create a session
- commit aba915e: Dave Rolsky: Don't assume response
structure, avoid undef warnings
- commit 6e34634: Dave Rolsky: Move cmd_return check up a
little higher to simplify the code
- commit b6e79c1: Mucking about trying to create 0.17
- commit 81a6ffe: Merged branch 'dist-zilla'
- commit 45bcea2: Updated Changes file for version 0.16 and 0.17
- commit b28b61e: Changed maintainer information
- commit b28b61e: Improved DistZilla configuration
- commit b28b61e: Improved 03-spec-coverage test
- commit b6b2cdb: Improved 03-spec-coverage test, skip some methods
- commit 61ae784: Reformatted README to 80 columns, fixed a typo.